August Update

1 minute read time.

Just to let you all know David is feeling a bit better.

Still hasn't been to the loo yet (no 2's) he is passing water and has been a bit squitty but as the GP said if not much is going in then not much is gonna come out. Too much detail, sorry move on quick.

He says he still fells full up and constipated, but the waves of pain have died down, not sure if that's due to increasing his steriods, or due to the laxotose. Anyway, whatever he is not in as much pain so that is a good thing.

He still isn't eating much, so far he has had 3 spoons of yogurt, 2 scoops of ice cream and a pot of Ambrosia rice pudding. Oh yeah and he just nicked a couple of my caramel nibbles.

He is drinking a couple of cups of tea, so that is a good sign too.

Still in bed, and I have been bribing the kids to take it in turns to sit / play upstairs, and also to be good while I am sitting upstairs with him.

He is starting to look better and not so pasty, fingers crossed as the kids want to go out next Tuesday with some friends and if he is still like this I won't want to leave him on his own, so we won't be able to go.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    Know the feeling. Wanting bodily functions to be regular, the fact that he can pinch your caramel nibbles shows he still has fighting spirit, to come between a woman and her sweets takes a brave man ;)

    Hugs and best wishes

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Sue

    Keep hanging in there.  I know this is terrible for you right now, 3 kids and a husband that needs a lot of care and reassurance.  I'm surprised you haven't torn your hair out by now, but here you are, doing it!

    I'm not making light of your situation.  I've read your other recent posts and I know how hard you're finding it and how much the stress is hurting you.  So please, do yourself a massive favour and find someone you trust to take over the household, preferably for a day, but even a few hours, and get yourself out, go for coffee or lunch, get some fresh air and buy yourself a new lippy!  It's not a miracle cure, but it does help and I can recommend it.

    I'll be thinking of you.

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Listen to Auntie Sunny, Sue... she talks sense sometimes. i know you don't have too much family etc close by and everyone works etc but can you get them to come and stay nearby for a few days? or can you get a mac nurse or someone from a  respite care charity or something to just sit with him or be in the house for a little while? Or get a Saturday off when your friends are not working...Don't feel you have to do it all on your own or that you are weak for asking for help- that was the biggest lesson that I learned from this cancer business- it is ok to ask for help and people really do like to give it- but you have to ask first.  (I know advice like this is just annoying when you can see every obstacle going for your situation and of course your life if complicated and its not that easy etc, but just try screaming help to a good friend and see what happens... you might find it easier than you thought.....  You must get a break or you will end up being too stressed and exhausted and resentful to be of use to anyone. And don't feel you have to justify yourself back to us either...! Having none of that :o)

    Looking after my mum really did my head in and I had to get out on my own or I would have thumped her or something at times... I know they are ill and they can't help it etc blah blah  but!!!! Lets be honest, it does your head in at times... I tell you I am glad I am the patient this time and not the carer...

    Glad he is perking up a bit (must be if he is nicking you choccies!!) and as far as I am concerned there is no such thing as too muchdetail about bowel habits (haha) want to hear about mine this morning? well, it all started with...... :o)

    Hang in there Sue, you are a super star and we will try and keep you laughing too.....

    Biggest hug

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue

    Not long then the kids are back to school and you will be able to breathe a bit easier, or faster depending on how you look at it.........rush them out the door, rush to get your shopping, housework, appointments and gardening done, then quick cuppa and rush to collect them.....cook dinner, get them bathed then bed plus running up and down stairs to David (hopefully by then he is up and about).....bloody hell Sue Im knackered just writing it !!!!!!!

    Its just me and my David but I fully understand the frustration you have suffered recently with your man, mine will moan about the pain but will not take a bloody pill to help ease it, moans about almost everything at the moment but does nothing to help himself (in fareness some days he cant, like your David), I get so mad, then hide and cry for a bit, cant even go shopping now without being on a time scale, if Im not in the same room as him he will call for goes on and on.

    I know how hard your working Sue to keep your family together as normally as possible (nothing normal after "c") your doing a bloody fantastic job girl and dont let anyone say different. The last thing we want is to see anyone in pain, least of all someone we love, but its happened and we have to cope as best we can, but you do need free time....easy said I know, so where do you live??

    Im in Kent but will gladly come and stay so you can have free time, good with kids, tidy, not too impressive on the cooking but edible, I dont do smelly farts (only my dog but would leave her at home), i do ironing, hoovering, have progressed from the rocks in the river and can now use a washing machine......let me know x

    Lots and lots of hugs and kisses and love and strength to get you through another day.

    Shaz (((((((((((((((SUE))))))))))))))))))))))xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope he continues to improve Sue, will be great for you and the kids to get out, you never know he may be well enough to join you, fingers crossed xxx

    (that should have been on the last post, clicked instead of scroll :), Im old) xxx