Update 5 May - date for surgery

1 minute read time.

Time for an update...
I'm feeling hell of a lot better than I did 2 weeks ago. Still weak but my mouth is a lot better and I have my appetite back. In the wake of my last chemo session I lost weight - about 3 kg - but have put it back on in the last 10 days and a bit more.
My hair is still not growing much and I've not needed a shave for about 3 weeks. My skin is dry, flaky and itchy in places and the dressing on my PICC line has caused a rash. I've been to the hospital 3 times since the District Nurse rang alarm bells on Friday to have it looked at and have the dressing changed. On Friday they also did an ultrasound scan to check the PICC line and for the possibility of blood clots. That and my blood tests came back clear. They also prescribed antibiotics and anti histamines to fight the rash. Apart from that my only other worry is a swollen ankle.
Now that I'm feeling a little better I have managed to get out and see my daughters and their families for the first time since Christmas. Seeing my beautiful, sparky granddaughters has given me a real lift.
Whilst eating out with the Liverpool branch at a pub near Congleton today (about halfway) I had a phone call from the hospital to make an appointment for a consultation next Tuesday and possiby a pre-op run through whist we're at it. Then, all being well, I'll have my surgery on 25th May - 2 weeks later. I'm assuming the surgeon will remove the bottom end of my eosophagus and top of my stomach to cut out any remaining tumor and then sew them back together again. But will find out more on Tuesday.
The oncology doctor was supposed to be phoning me tomorrow but not sure if that will happen now.
