Chemo side effects - update 23 April

1 minute read time.

It is now 2 weeks since my last chemo session and some of the side effects are gradually subsiding.

My mouth is still yuk but the mouth wash from the hospital and drops (for oral thrush) from my GP are staring to work. The sores are going but my lips are cracked, the tip of my tonge feels as though I've been biting it and the roof of my mouth feels as though its coated in plastic.
The neuropathy is not as bad though I still can't get anything from the fridge or freezer without my fingers tingling. Takes less time to get back to normal though.
My hands are sore and dry, occasionally slightly inflamed in parts with cracked skin. Various creams give some short lived relief.
I have lost weight - now down to about 73kg (about 11.5 stone) as my taste buds convey the sensory delights of cardboard to my brain and who the hell wants to eat cardboard.
I am supposed to drink 2 small bottles of a high calory flavoured milk drink per day but I think they do odd things to my tummy. I'm hoping I'll feel more like eating once my taste buds get back to normal. Then I can stuff myself silly and put some weight back on ahead of any surgery.
I also need to get some strength back. Just walked 200m up the road to a postbox. By the time I got back I felt as though I'd run a marathon. I am very weak. After standing at the sink to do the washing up I need a long sit down - for example. Will try walking further than the postbox tomorrow.
Hopefully, by the time the Oncology Doctor phones with the scan results (May 6th) and news of next steps I'll be heavier and fitter.
