3 February 2021

Less than one minute read time.

I am now attached to 5 electrodes until about 12.30 tomorrow lunchtime. Heart monitoring after they discovered the apical hypertropic obstructive cardiomyopathy when doing the ecg. They don't think there's anything to worry about but best be on the safe side. Then when I got home there was a letter from Cardiology to Encology basically saying that but also referencing the consultant's plans for "surgery for resection of his recently diagnosed T4aN2 gastric tumour".
Basically what that means is that the tumour is quite established and going through stomach and oesophagus walls and has spread to several nearby lymph nodes but nowhere else.
So, next is an ultrasound scan on my neck and sample for biopsy to double check the abnormality found there during the PET scan. Probably connected to a tooth infection over Christmas.
Then an appointment with the consultant to discuss the treatment plan - should be 15th or 22nd Feb. Chemo is likely to start within 10 days of that, then surgery. I suppose 'when' is down to what the chemo achieves.
I need a holiday!
