15 February 2021

Less than one minute read time.

Hospital appointment this morning with the Oncology doctor. Had some blood taken and he's booking me in for another CT scan to compare with the earlier one. Then my chemo is likely to start on Friday next week. This will be 4 or 5 hours at Derby Royal having a cocktail of 4 drugs pumped into me then a slow release one at home over the following 24 hours. This is then repeated every 2 weeks over the next couple of months. After that there will be more tests, scans etc and surgery all being well. Once I get over the surgery there is likely to be more chemo just to make sure. Apart from my hair dropping out there are likely to be rubbish side effects that they can counter with anti sickness and other drugs but should only last 2 or 3 days after each session. So, not continuously crap thankfully.
Once I start my immunity to any virus will be impaired so I will have to be extra careful at shielding until the covid vaccine becomes effective.
