The story so far...

1 minute read time.
Well, Mum was diagnosed with brest cancer just before Christmas, though, other than my Dad she didn't tell anyone until the New Year. We were all together over Christmas, 11 of us in the immediate family with the happy announcement that another is on the way in July which will be Mum & Dad's fourth grandchild. Presumably not wanting to spoil the Christmas mood, Mum kept her news to herself until we all got home which must have been difficult for her, and Dad. Since then there have been all kinds of tests and operations including a wide local excision for the breast cancer and removal of the centinal lymph node, the results of which meant removing the rest of the lymph nodes on that side and some other tests, an MRI I think and others to check the bones, lungs, liver etc. All the most likely places where the breast cancer may have spread to. And this found som abnormalities in the stomach which was checked out with an endoscopy, which was quite uncomfortable apparently, and identified a 'mass' in the stomach and took a sample. We now have it confirmed that this is cancerous too and chemo starts today I think. I spoke to Mum yesterday and she is going into the hospoital today but I don't know for how long, or what exactly she will be having done. I'll call Dad tonight to find out, and see how he is. In other news, it's quite busy here at Cancerbackup, with the launch of this site and planning for publicising the results of the survey on relationships which you can still take part in here... ... Lots do do before Friday when I'm off for a week of skiing in Slovenia with a friend. It will either be difficult, or expensive on my mobile to stay in touch while I'm away unless I can find an internet cafe or something but I'll do my best. I'm not sure what to expect from the chemo and how Mum will react to it but we'll see I suppose. Dave
  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave, what a brave woman your Mum is, and how lucky she is to have such a caring son. when i told my oldest son (who is 25) that i had breast cancer and would be having surgery very soon, well, he was all set to cancel his holiday, some racing events, even to get up early (he works nights) to come and see me in hospital, oh the list goes on with what he was going to cancel, well, i didn't want him to cancel anything, i knew he was very upset but all i wanted was for all three of my children to was to  carry on living life as they should. i didn't want them to live my cancer, now the hubby, well, thats a different matter, i am useless without the unending support he gives me, and i should think its the same with your Mum too. go and have a fantastic holiday, thats what your Mum would want you to do.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks very much Alison.

    I know Mum wouldn't want me to cancel the holiday, and anyway I feel like I need a break at the moment so will be flying down the slopes at perilous speeds for the whole of next week and then see where we are when I get back.

    This site should be getting a lot more visitors by then too.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave . i am very impress to learn about your mum's progress she has been very strong in her faith . and i will keep praying for her she will get her life back to normal again so keep persevered in your prayers and support . myself got the same Diagnose as her and she has encourage me to go ahead for my chemo Treatment by next month .no matter what we read to all sort of induviduel excuse my french . all we know that God is the miracle he is the heeler and he will make us better if we call his name and keep on praying . he will never forsake us ok love from Doris .

  • FormerMember

    hi dave

    when my mum was having chemo she asked me to go stay with a friend as she was worried that being ill in front of me would be too much, mothers are protectors-always-even when it is them we wish to protect at theat very moment!!! mum called me to come home when she was feeling bit less green round the gills, few days and she was her old self! fingers crossed for u all, i understand the feeling of uselessness and not knowing what to do to be right! much love in my thoughts for u all x