Chemo. No. 3 good and bad

2 minute read time.

Hello all, I had my CT scan about 10 days before my last Oncologist appointment, it was a full body scan this time so I guessed they were checking for any further spread. The scan was on a Tuesday and by the Friday I had got myself into a bit of a state worrying about the result, so much so that I ended up at A&E on the Friday night with what I thought was breathing difficulties, it turned out to be nothing really to worry about. I had ecg's, blood tests etc. and nothing was found so was put down to anxiety. While I was in A&E the Doctor found the results of the scan on the Hospital system and it showed that all of the tumours are shrinking, on the report however was mention of cancerous cells in the centre of my chest and a swelling near the windpipe. This was very worrying and we tackled the Oncologist at our appointment the day before the 3rd chemo. It turns out that these were both present on the first scan but the registrar had omitted to tell us, Dr Chan was very apologetic and said that she was very pleased with my progress.The 3rd Chemo was pretty uneventful except that my veins are getting fed up with being attacked and are becoming increasingly difficult to find, it took the Chemo nurse about10-15 minutes to find a vein for the cannula. The side effects have been pretty much the same as before, my lowest white cell period is now passing and no problems with infections etc.. My scooter was eventually delivered and is a real help when we go out except that I am really struggling to get it in and out of our small boot. There is good news there though in as much as Motability have agreed to let Val terminate her lease early and get a new bigger car, no jokes please, we are getting a Citroen Berlingo Multispace which is a van derivative but drives very much like a car and has acres of boot space so will be much easier to get the scooter and Val's walker in and out of. Chemo No4 is on Friday 10th August, should be the last one for a few months at least but will learn more after then. Finally, Lyn we both hope you are coping as well as possible following your tragic loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you always.Love to all xxxxx
