Operation over, but breathing problems remain

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G is still poorly, even though the operation was a sucess, and he is home again. His breathing is as bad as ever, he seems to be losing the will to fight anymore. Yesterday, our 43rd wedding anniversary, he told me he thinks this may be the end.  I seem to be in some sort of trance, its as though its all happpening to someone else.

Readingother posts this morning. I am am trying to cope with practical things and not dwell too much on the future. 
The last two years have been such a roller coaster ride, I have already done so much grieving, I feel emotionally wiped out.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie, Jack is not on any meds yet for breathing - I assumed that when he is ready he will ask for oxygen - but he is stubborn and it has to come from him. We have a hospice nurse who is contactable at any time (although I've not tested this yet). I hope you have plenty of support where you are. Sorry for late reply - I have trouble with this site at times as I find it very slow and sometimes it has not posted things I have written as it just seems to 'hang'. Thinking of you & G

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Clare.

    Although are GPs are brilliant, and community nurses keep in touch, and have been to check G's wound is healing nicely, the only other support we have is from family and friends.

    G has never been assigned a specilaist or Macmillan nurse.  Apparently Macmillan don't operate in this area.  Our PCT is signed up with the local hosice, and they don't get involved until I quote "the end is in sight".  Meanwhile we muddle along as best we can.

    Since coming on this site, I am increasingly aware of how poor G's initial treatment and care have been.  I will refuse for him to be in any of the local hospitals unless it is medically necessary.  I cannot bear the thought of  his last days being spent in the calous neglect  described on the "distressing end" thread, neither can I be available 24/7 when he needs constant care.  I have made some enquiries about home nursing, but the costs are enormous. I am not in a good place at the moment, puting fears into words on this site does help.  thank all for your support.

  • FormerMember

    Yesterday G was told that the biopsies taken when his lung was drained were as expected, positve. He now has mesthelioma in both lungs.

    Treatment options are being reviewed by the oncologists at Bart's, but at the moment are very limited.

    He is very frail, the weight is dropping off him, and he has no appetite.  Added to that, his blood test showed he is very anemic and his kidney function is very low.