Not what we wanted to hear

Less than one minute read time.

Yesterday G was told that the biopsies taken when his lung was drained were as expected, positive. He now has Mesothelioma in both lungs.

Treatment options are being reviewed by the oncologists at Bart's, but at the moment are very limited.

He is very frail, the weight is dropping off him, and he has no appetite.  Added to that, his blood test showed he is very anemic and his kidney function is very low.



  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear the bad news Daffie, i so hope treatment that's offered will make G feel so much better.

    Love And Hugs. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Daffy - I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope at least one of these treatment options will help him. Sending You strength, and big hugs. Love, Maureen xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie, so sorry about this, when will G's oncologist get back to you about treatment options? One of the many tablets that Jack is taking is a steroid every day - they really help with his appetite and he is still eating a good dinner every day.- maybe G would benefit from this. Sending hugs

    Clare x

  • Sorry to hear that Daffie. We saw so many people affected by this when we lived in Hebden Bridge.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you Clare.

    We have asked about something to help G's appetite, but doctors feel the side effects might outweigh benefits.  Does Jack have any problem with water retention? We were told that is the biggest problem.  G isn't on any medication for the meso.  The one thing we have to be thankful about is that he isn't in any pain.

    He is due back to the oncologist in four weeks, but it depends whether he can have some treatment locally for his anaemia first.  Fingers and everything crossable firmly crossed.