Crisis over for now

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G saw the eye specialist again yeaterday. No sign of any imflamation after the drops and cream prescribed, and he has been discharged from the clinic. Relief all round. This morning, a copy of the letter sent to his GP arrived. Although traumatic, this has been our first positive experience of the NHS for as long as we can remember. I'm still not sure whether this is because G was in a different speciality from cancer, or being treated at different hospital, or possibley both. At none of the three outpatients appointment did he have to wait more than fifteen minutes, and the staff were so much nicer. If only cancer clinics would take note. We are off to visit the grandchildren next weekend. That will take our minds off the 3 month check the following week. It's about this time i start to get twitchy. I keep telling myself that it must be a good sign the G is so well, has a good appetite and is keeing his weight on. Daft i know, but I just can't help worrying.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie,

    No, not daft daffie. lol.

    I am exactly the same. Although not for check-ups but worrying when M is feeling good and eating well and not losing anymore weight. At the moment things are a little better but I still chase around after him, saying, 'don't stretch or bend - I'll do it'.Maybe I'm over protective but then I think of the past probs with the Nephrostomy tube and that seems to qualify my actions.

    What a wonderful change to have a good experience with the NHS. Although I guess many will jump on me for that remark. Post Code Lottery!

    Hope that G has good news in a couple of weeks. I'll be thinking of you both.

    Love, Tricia. X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daffie

    I am so glad that you have had a good experience this time with the NHS and that G's problem with the eye has been effectively treated.

    Oh - don't  we know about this worrying before check-ups!  

    You have a wonderful time with your grand children and don't worry too much!

    Best wishes, Grace.
