Dad and Alex's Journey

  • 2 down 4 to go


    Alex has been coping amazingly well, after his first session of chemo he felt a bit nauseas for a few days, had a headache and general chemo brain for a while but on the whole he was well enough to eat etc, managed to go out with his friend a couple of times and manage a band rehearsal!!

    Yesterday he had his second session of cycle 1.  We managed to have his blood test and see a Dr in the morning (he has put on a bit…

  • So far so good :)


    Well we got the call at 12 yesterday so went straight in to the Marsden where Alex was hooked up by 1pm.  Tim & I sat with him while a lovely nurse, Laura, went through what she was putting in the machine.  First two were anti-nausea drugs. Then the first chemo drug, this was bright red and went through with saline, the second and third went through with saline and the fourth (which has to be kept covered and away from…

  • Alex's first chemo session tomorrow


    Well, chemo day is nearly here.  Went to the Marsden this morning, they had the results of the PET scan and it showed a re-active lymph node under his arm so he is now 2A and will have to have 3 cycles of chemo (ABVD) - a session every two weeks starting from tomorrow followed by 15 days of radiotherapy.  Didn't realise he would have so many other medicines to bring home with him tomorrow including the injection for the…

  • It could be worse


    Went to see the haematologist with Alex this morning and he is stage 1a nodular sclerosing Hodgkins (CT scan shows its only in his neck area).  He will probably be having two cycles of ABVD followed by radiotherapy.

    Have got a meeting tomorrow at the Marsden, which is luckily just down the road from us, to go through everything with the Dr / nurses and have some more blood tests.  Will also have to have a PET scan and…

  • More bad news


    Yesterday my youngest son Alex who is 18 was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

    Seven months ago (July) he became aware of two lumps on the right side of his neck above his clavicle which the Dr said were enlarged lymph nodes and Alex had some blood tests done.  The blood tests showed that he had had the Edstein Barr virus sometime in the last two years but apart from that everything else was ok.  He had had had bad tonsilitis…