Dad's Journey!

1 minute read time.

Well it's now the middle of September and Dad is feeling good. He seems to have found some new vigor from somewhere! He's back to walking around the park like he used to before the diagnosis. He's also managed some light shopping on his own which is helping his self esteem.

His weekly visits to the day centre have given him a new interest to talk about although he seems to moan about having to wait to be dropped off home at the end of the day. I do ask him what he needs to rush home for! :) They have a singer comes in to do a wee sing song every now and then. He's been reminiscing about the songs he used to sing as a lad. 

The only down side of all this is that he seems to have gone into a phase of denial. He thinks maybe they made a mistake. He seems to have forgotten how poorly he felt only a few months back before he had any treatment. I think I need to speak to his MAC nurse about this. 

Hopefully this positive phase will remain for a long time to come! Fingers crossed! 

Well it's now November the15th. Dad has been in hospital for 2 weeks now. He's been unable to keep down any solid food for a while now and is on a totally liquid/soft food diet. He's feeling very miserable and fed up. He's lost so much weight and is lacking in energy to do the simplest of tasks. At least now he has accepted that he needs a carer at home which is a big mind shift for him. Hopefully he gets home soon and he makes his birthday on the 11th December. 
