Only 2 more sessions to go

1 minute read time.

As Alex had a bad time last session with the nausea the nurse suggested he tried adding Emend to the anti-nausea drugs this time, so took it an hour before chemo.  Made him drink a lot of water the day before and the day of chemo too.  He finished his session at 5.30 and later that evening felt quite bad so went to bed, he woke up a couple of hours later having had a very bad night sweat his bedding was soaked  - we blamed Emend for this but not sure if it was or not.

Friday and Saturday he took the other Emend tablets and felt ok - a lot better than last session - he managed to eat & drink and managed an hour in the pub with his friends Saturday evening too.

I had a lovely Mothers Day and we went for a nice walk, had a rest at the cafe for a drink, went home and reminisced over some old photos which brought a smile to everyones face, then had dinner cooked for me and watched a video together. Thought about all the people who were really missing there Mum this year.

Monday Alex hardly got out of bed, he had been waking every two hours the last couple of nights and was exhausted he also said he ached both sides of his body.

Today all is well again after a lie in and a shower he is back on the computer chatting to his friends which is always a good sign!

So I think the tablets have worked and as the nurse said to us there is no need for anyone to put up with nausea nowadays there are so many anti-nausea drugs that there should be one out there for you so always ask.

Nearly there - next session in two weeks and we have to see the Prof about booking  Alex's radiotherapy sessions etc - can't believe how quickly the year is going, the blossom is out on the trees and the birds are singing and when the sun decides to shine its an added bonus :)

Thinking of you all and hoping your treatment is going well.


  • FormerMember

    Forgot to mention his hair - he had it shaved/cut very short after his last session which he is happier with, discovered he hadn't been putting his head under the shower or in the bath because he was worried it would all come out so he washed it the other day and a lot did come out and it is looking very thin now. He is thinking of getting it all shaved off but the nurse suggested he kept it as long as he could to stop the sun getting on his scalp so we'll see - he has his bandanas at the ready!!

  • FormerMember

    hi hun chemo is not nice im on no 4 and the nausea just keeps going im afraid shaved my hair off after no 2 but hope alex is feeling better now a bit cant wait till it gets tothe weekend to see if the nausea goes completely thatl be 10 days after chemo lets hope so love and hugs to you both  jen xxxx