Its June already

1 minute read time.

Haven't been on here for ages.  Dad has been making the most of every day and enjoying the sunny weather.  He has been doing some hanging baskets and pots for the garden.  We have been on a trip to Brighton and it was lovely and sunny.  I think that he has accepted the cancer now.  He is walking up & down the stairs when he needs the toilet now once a day but he still goes in the wheelchair when we go out, been on a few trips on the local buses with the wheelchair as they have ramps etc. He is eating a lot more now and not coughing much.  He is losing weight though and his clothes are getting a bit big for him now.  I honestly believe he did the right thing by not having the chemo.  We have a weeks holiday in a couple of weeks to Shropshire with all his friends and I know he has been looking forward to it so I hope he stays this well.  He is now looking forward to another holiday in October and Christmas!  I didn't stay at their house this month when Mum went to hospital and they managed without me staying overnight for the week.  We had a lovely family celebration in my garden yesterday and it was so nice to have Dad there joining in the fun and enjoying another Fathers Day.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alimor,

    Thats more Good news on the site today. Im glad your Dad is making progress and is getting out and about it will give Him and you a Lot of confidence.

    Hope you enjoyed the Party yesterday. All the best for the future.

    Take care and be safe Big HugsLove

  • FormerMember

    Good morning Alimor, happy Fathers Day to  your dad - what a wise, strong man.  I am glad you are enjoying every day with your parents - tough bearing in mind Dad's condition - but he's made his mind up - he just wants to be surrounded by love - that's all there is in the end and its all any of us want.  I wish you all lots more sunshine and happy days together.  Keep writing though, so we can send lots of strength, love and support over from Macland.  God bless, Ann xxx

  • FormerMember

    Lovely to hear that your dad is doing so well, and wishing you all well for the holiday - if the sun stays shining it would be a good bonus. Best wishes to you all Val X