Half way through September

1 minute read time.

I can't believe its half way through September already!  I have been so lucky to have this time with Dad - what we thought maybe a couple of months has turned into many.  He said at the beginning of this journey that he wanted to be here for Christmas so here's hoping.

We enjoyed another little coach trip with his horticultural friends to Wisley & Loseley this week which he enjoyed, he also managed to put a few things into the Flower Show at the beginning of the month.

He has days like today where he can't be bothered to do anything & keeps falling asleep in  his chair which gets him down but I've told him it's his bodies way of telling him to take it easy.  He has lost quite a lot of weight now and looks rather frail. Dads cousin passed away and we went to the funeral on Monday, this has made him a little bit down, when the vicar came to see him yesterday he made another appointment with him to come back next week to talk about his funeral, we have talked about it so we know what he wants. Next week we're also going to the Hospice as Dad wants to donate some of his paintings to them so he's going to hand them over on Monday.

Not looking forward to the Autumn & Winter months as the Spring and Summer have been so good.  Just glad to have had my Dads company for so much longer than I'd dreamed of - I wonder what would've happened if he had had the chemo?

Anyway here's to Christmas!! :)
