Good News Again!

1 minute read time.

Well I'm so glad to say that after expecting the worst Dad's cancer has not spread and we are now looking forward to Xmas and next year!  There is a small amount of fluid build-up but unless this gets a lot worse we haven't got to go back until the end of January.

Dad believes in the power of prayer and keeps saying miracles can happen so I think he's still half expecting the cancer to disappear.

I guess its just the cancer he has got that is making him frail and breathless and as he's 86 its just old age that's making him forgetful and argumentative sometimes which I am grateful for!

I was so worried about Dad that I hadn't even started to think of Xmas but last night I ordered some presents on-line and we will still have a quiet one but it will be a lot better than I thought it would be.

Mum was going to see her consultant today but didn't want to risk a fall as its snowing quite heavily here today so she has postponed it but will still go for her treatment next week.  I will be with Dad enjoying another week together watching old films etc but  I think we will be staying in the warm.

Hugs to you all.

  • FormerMember

    That is wonderful news, I'm so glad for you. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas together.

    As for age making your dad forgetful - it happens to ne all the time. And surely being argumentative for women just comes with the hormones at a certain age!! Take care of yourself, Val X