Bit of a blip

1 minute read time.

Haven't had Dad out much since the last lot of snow and he had a bit of a blip last weekend, getting up from the table his legs gave way but luckily Mum managed to stop his fall.  He spent a few nights in his chair with Mum sleeping on the sofa.  he had been suffering from a cold foot/leg the week before so we asked for a home visit from his GP.  He checked Dad over and we came to the conclusion that it was where he had lost weight and hadn't been moving around much, his thigh muscles had weakened and the circulation in his feet wasn't good.

I stayed over for a couple of nights to give Mum a hand as she gets very tired. The Hospice nurse came with a zimmer with wheels at the front which helped Dad move around and by Thursday he was brave enough to try the stairs with me behind so is now sleeping in his bed again.  I put a mattress topper on top of his mattress which was getting uncomfortable where his bum is getting bony and the District Nurse is getting him a memory foam cushion for his chair too.  The first night I put the topper on he had a bad dream that he was sinking into a bog!  I saw him in just his underwear for the first time in ages and was quite shocked how skinny he is now even though I have been feeling his bones each time I give him a hug.

Managed to take him to the Hut to see his friends on Wednesday in his wheelchair.  We sat inside by the fire and everyone was pleased to see him.

Got the Xmas decorations and tree up while I was staying there to get them Christmassy.  

We are hoping he will keep well for Christmas and I hope to get over there again this week depending on the weather and the roads.

Hope everyone stays safe and wishing you all a good Xmas.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alimor,

    Sorry to hear your Dad had a bit of a setback, but seems to be ok. My thoughts are with you and your Family this coming week. hope you have a nice christmas with your Mum and Dad.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • This flipping snow is causing travel problems around here too so I hope it doesn't keep you from seeing your parents over Christmas.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Alimor - yes it's horrible to see how this wretched disease makes them so thin. Hope the snow doesn't stop you from spending time with your Mum and Dad over Christmas. All good wishes, Val X