Alex's treatment finished and back with Dad

2 minute read time.

Well it was decided that Alex only needed two weeks of radiotherapy in the end which was great news.  Had to go and get his mask made which was very interesting,  a large sheet of blue plastic was put in a vat of very hot water, when it was soft it was placed over his face and three technicians moulded it quickly over his face, neck and shoulders then another bit moulded to his arm.  Lots of measurements were taken etc.  The next day he had a ct scan whilst wearing the mask to make sure all the measurements were correct.

The last two weeks have shot by and apart from a very slight look of sunburn on his front and back right side where the radiotherapy was done he hasn't had any side effects as such.  He has not been allowed to wear deodorant on that side and has been using very mild shower gel, also has to keep that area out of the sun.

He shaved his hair to a number two and his Dad did the same to keep him company, it has started to re-grow now too :)  He went back to work during the second week of radiotherapy.

It has been a very scary time with the chemo etc but I'm so glad that he has come through the whole thing without too many side effects.  When you read everything it does scare you and you expect the worst but there are happy endings too.

We have to go back on the 7th July to see his consultant and in a couple of months he will have another PET scan to make sure the Hodge has gone so fingers crossed.  He has been remarkably brave throughout the whole thing and everyone we know is so impressed that he has been so upbeat.

So now I am going back to help Mum with Dad.  Mum had a port fitted last month to make her treatment easier so hopefyully it will.  Dad has got very frail and is very depressed at the moment doesn't want to do anything or go anywhere and doesn't really want to eat so he is now on supplement drinks and is sticking to small amounts of mashed up food.  They have upped his anti-depressants so hopefully they will help.  I managed to get him outside today and walked along by the river in the sunshine.  He is going to the day hospice once a week and is going to speak to a councillor there in a couple of weeks.


  • FormerMember

    So glad that your son has finished all his treatment, what a relief for you all. Sorry to hear that your dad isn't doing so well, hope the counselling helps him. Look after yourself, Val X