A lovely holiday

1 minute read time.

Well just back from a lovely week in Shropshire with Mum & Dad.  Great weather and a gorgeous hotel, Dad surrounded by good friends.  Had an accident with a ramp and the wheelchair on the first day and Dad got a bit of whiplash and I got very bruised knees but thank goodness he was ok - got him checked over by the village doctor.  I now have ramp phobia - I thought I had killed him for a moment! Then I worried about the fact that I had gone to help to wheel him around and if my knees were too bad I wouldn't be able to for the rest of the week.  Anyway knees were ok and we managed, some of the gardens were very hilly so we just got to where we could get to and still enjoyed it.

Off to Mum & Dads again next week, Mum has another week of daily visits to St Georges.  They are supposed to be coming with a rail to put near to some steps into the garden - the last time they turned up the height was all wrong and they had to start again!!

Anyway hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and that its not causing too many problems - I have told Dad to take it easy while its so hot but he carries on as usual!!

  • FormerMember

    The Next time you take your poor old Dad out in his wheelchair and you have to confront a ramp.

    Make sure he is wearing knee pads elbow pads,and

    if you can get one fitted an Airbag. Im sure you didnt mean it.?

    Take crae and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Sarsfield!! I made sure it tipped backwards so they weren't necessary this time!!!  Luckily Dads head landed in my lap :) Took him on a bus into town yesterday and the ramp came out but because it wasn't on a kerbstone it was quite steep so asked Dad to get out for that bit!!

    Th rail has been fitted now so that should help him get down the steps into the garden too.

    Hope you are doing ok xx