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Alex had his third session on Thursday and has had a bad couple of days with nausea & fatigue - says its the worst he's felt so far.  He was going to go and get his hair shaved short today but felt bad and stayed in bed most of the day. He hasn't had a headache this time.  I have been trying to get him to drink like he did before - small glass of water every hour - but he is only managing sips so hasn't flushed the chemo out as much. He hasn't really managed to eat much, a little bit of chicken and mashed potato & gravy seems to be his comfort food at the moment but he couldn't manage much of that tonight.

The after effects of his first two sessions were not too bad just a little bit of nausea and headache/fatigue.  He even managed to play the drums at a gig with his Dad and brother a week and a half ago and I was a very proud Mum  :) 

His hair started to come out about a week after the second session - luckily he has a lot of thick hair so it has thinned slowly, his pillow/bed is covered every morning and I go in and hoover it up while he has a relaxing bath.  He decided not to shave it but to see what happened but has now decided to have a No 3 or 2 before shaving it all off completely.

Hopefully he will feel a bit better tomorrow after a good  nights sleep :)


  • FormerMember

    hi hun i was the same after my 3rd chemo exactly couldnt eat for feeling so sick all the time was awful spoke to my onc and he is reviewing my anti sickness drugs but had my midway scan and my mets have reduced by 20%  so it is working thank goodness they have given me two weeks off to get over the last chemo so im happy about that so see the onc and tell them how ill alex has been do you have a chemo nurse mine is wonderful just even to chat to but see the onc next time before his next chemo hope he feels better soon

    i shaved my hair off too isnt as bad as you think but it got on my nerves it was everywhere lol!!! good luck and tell alex send all my love to him as well as the rest of the family

    love jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Alimor,

               This is hard for Alex I know, but must be so hard for you to see your boy like this. Hopefully, he will start to feel better tomorrow and will be able to drink more as it is important to flush the chemo out. You are doing everything you can and I am sure he is so glad you are there for him.

                 Very best wishes to you all, including your Dad.

                  Take care,

                   Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    I hope Alex can get through this ok.My husband had AVBD in 2009.

    My son shaved off his hair in support of his dad when he had chemo and he had long hair .

    Thinking of you


  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for all your lovely words.

    I will tell the onc on next visit and hopefully will change the anti-nausea tabs for next chemo.  He feels a bit better this morning has had a little breakfast and is having a shower :)

    Will try and get him to drink more from today to flush the nasty stuff out.

    Yep we all said we'd shave ours if he had to shave his head but I might have to just go short!!

    Love to you all, take care,

    Alison x

  • FormerMember

    I've been thinking of you - glad to hear your son is doing well. Val X