Blog 12 - well sod it

4 minute read time.

So its been a little while since I’ve posted a blog, about the interloper Cyril and the impact the little twat is having on me.
As some of you know, I had been hoping to receive the ok from the Doctors to return to work this month. I got a letter the other day from the wonderful Doctor Stacpoole, who said in principle it would be ok, as long as I followed certain guidelines.

The pain in the arse is, these guidelines pretty much preclude me from doing any of the things I need to, in order to do my job.
So early this morning, I had to compose the email I’ve been dreading, to tell my boss Lee and our office manager/HR lady Jo, I wouldn’t be able to come back to work as planned, until after my operation and hopefully a full recovery later in the year.

I’m not sure where this leaves me job wise at the moment, but I know Lee and Jo will do all they can to help me. I had to tell them by email, as I honestly don’t think I could have held it together on the phone.
I know soppy twat, but working where I do is frankly fucking awesome and knowing I can’t for the foreseeable future, has really hit home just how much of an utter cunt Cyril is and the chaos he is creating.
But, as always I’ll drag my arse up off the deck again and crack on with it all, I mean it could be a fuck sight worse right...Rolling eyes

So there’s the main Cyril based news, which was as unwanted as the little cancerous twat himself.

Not sure if I’ve talked about my left ear, and being able to hear myself talking, breathing, etc in it?
To be fair I’m guessing I have, after all I talk about fuck knows what else on here, I’m very much guilty of ‘Over sharing’ as those who’ve read my recent soul searching blogs will attest.

My left ears recent behaviour, has had some odd consequences, I’m walking in what my wife describes as ‘left hand down a bit’ so when I walk anywhere, it’s best I stay on the left hand side as thats the side I ending up waddling towards.
At least when I veer wildly about the pavement, the worst that happens is I end up pin balling off someones garden hedge, wall or fence. Instead of ending up wandering out into the road and getting flattened by a car, truck or in the case of where we live, a dirty great New Holland tractor.

To try and get to the bottom of my left ears weirdness, I had a hearing test at the GP’s surgery, where I was told my hearing was in acceptable limits for someone my age. Or in other words, your a bit deaf at the top and bottom of your hearing range, but what do you expect you old fart, after all your 51 in April.

I got home to find a letter from Peterborough Hospital, to say I have an appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat folks on the 24th. So either the hearing test chap from 11am this morning, works at twice the speed of light, or this was a preplanned thing. With the greatest of respect to the chap I saw, I’m going with option two here. Rolling eyes

So apart from the up and coming excitement of Peterborough Hospitals ENT department, I remain like an easy jet flight on the way back from Spain at Luton airport, in a holding pattern awaiting to land for the MRI Scan in March.

I now have to try and find something I can do to earn some much needed wages, while sat on my arse at home, any suggestions most welcome. (And no prostitution is not going to happen FlushedRolling eyes) before some smart arse suggests it.

I was going to say my ever expanding arse, but Pippa informed me at last nights leg dressing change, after checking my bloody pressure (higher than it should be ) and weight, I’ve lost a stone in the 17 weeks (17 weeks, bloody hell come on leg sort it out Rolling eyes) I’ve been under her care.

Thinking of attempting to write a novel, I’ve tried in the past and got to the tricky middle bit and given up. But, as I managed to forget I was making myself a mug of tea yesterday, not once, but four sodding times, returning to the kitchen to find a cold mug with a tea bag bobbing about in what looked like treacle. I fear writing a novel could be a rather long winded process. But hows this for an opening line?

'You're along way from Kansas here Dorothy, this is fuckin' Inverness' he said with a growl.

Surely that would make you want to keep reading, well hopefully at any rate, I best crack on, as I now only have about 79,984 words to write for a full length thriller.

Thanks as always for your messages and continuing to wade through my ramblings. If anyone has any questions, stick them in the comments, it would be good to hear from the merry band of folks who read these. Hugging

Cheers Mart, Cyril’s current Landlord.

  • Just 'binge read' your blog, oh my god - you are bloody hilarious! Sitting here burning time until I go for my Radiotherapy session and you have very much cheered up my day. My family have also gone for the irreverent approach to my breast cancer, you can't take it too seriously otherwise it'll become too real. Thanks again, looking forward to the next exciting installment.

  • FormerMember
    <p>Thank you for your kind comment Nixiemoo Blush</p> <p>I originally (well I still am) writing these on a Facebook page I&rsquo;ve started called Cyril the Arsehole, its a public page so your welcome to join the other 190 odd lunatics who read my wittering on, there are a few other posts on there I didn&rsquo;t put on here as they are either shorter or really require the picture thats connected to them in order to make sense.&nbsp;Blush</p> <p>I&rsquo;m so glad its put a smile on your face and cheered you up, that was very much my intention when I started writing them. It obviously helps me come to terms and cope with the whole becoming a membeRolling eyesof &lsquo;Cancer Club&rsquo; thing immensly, but I also wanted other folks to benefit in someway even if its just to laugh at what I tit I usually end up being. Rolling eyes</p> <p>I&rsquo;m in a sort of holding pattern now (a bit like an easyjet flight coming back from holiday waiting to land) as I&rsquo;m waiting for various appointments before they get the Black &amp; Decker out in April.</p> <p>But, I&rsquo;ll be posting more as and when it happens, as I say if your addicted to facebook like me, please feel free to come and join the mayhem.</p> <p>I wish you the very best of luck today .</p> <p>Cheers for now.</p> <p>martin, Cyril&rsquo;s current landlord xx</p>
  • FormerMember

    I found your blog amusing and uberstand some of what you are going through. Currently I have just finished the third round of happy beans (my daughters positive spin) of the second regime and enjoying my weeks respite. I had to take retirement as the MCGA pulled my medical but the company I worked for did everything they could to help. It’s over a year since I was told I had cancer but I fully intend to beat the odds and get as much of my pension as possible. Thanks for cheering me up.

  • FormerMember
    <p>Thank you for your kind comments Sailormac and I&rsquo;m glad it raised a smile. I lad I play Paintball with has similar to me and said something thats stuck with me for a month or so now. He was saying how annoyed he gets that people say to &lsquo;fight&rsquo; cancer, he said you can&rsquo;t fight it cancer, once you have it he said its more like water sking, you hang on tight and do what the bloke driving the speedboat tells you.</p> <p>I have to admit I laughed my arse off at this, mainly as I have a mental image of my mate getting dragged along on his arse across the water grimly hanging on to the water ski rope. Slight smile</p> <p>I wish you the very best of Luck mate and I&rsquo;m glad I could help to make you smile for a bit.</p> <p></p> <p>cheers nart</p>
  • FormerMember

    Hi Martin I’m so sorry you’re in this club too - I’ve just joined - 24 jan diagnosed lung cancer. It’s hard to find humour along this terrifying journey. I haven’t even started treatment yet - google has me dead in 2 - 4 months! Cyril is indeed an arsehole, I have an intruder too who I call the predator - I saw his tentacles (yes tentacles) on my scan! I’ve folliwed you on FB is that’s ok. Helps lighten the load, thank you. Jo