Blog 10 - The aftermath and restoration of faith

7 minute read time.

As you will no doubt have realised, if you read last nights offering, yesterday was a day I’d rather have had a second go at, but been able to speak to a different consultant rather than Doctor Twaticus.

I really couldn’t sleep last night, I was still feeling very angry at our treatment by Doctor Twaticus and I also think the realisation I had been told I have brain cancer started to hit home hard. I eventually gave up and went to bed at around 2.40am.
(Pippa and Anne, were not at all impressed when I told them of our treatment by Doctor Twaticus and have made a couple of suggestions we will be going ahead with regarding an official complaint. I think we’ll keep Pippa’s hitman suggestion in reserve for the time being at least Flushed)

So many lovely folks, some I know a lot better than others, had either messaged in person or commented on the various short posts I’d put up yesterday. It really is a very humbling experience to read messages and see little posts wishing me luck and expressing sorry for my family and I, after what we were told at Addenbrooke’s yesterday evening. Both Susie and are are extremely gratefully for all of you who took the time to do this for us.

I think the realisation that I have brain cancer, probably really started to hit home around midnight. I had told myself and indeed anyone I spoke to, that I was really ok, it was low-grade, they would sort it and I believed myself, up until about midnight at any rate.

After that, I sort of spiralled downwards and by the time I went to bed, things seemed very bleak. Thanks go to those who where still about on facebook in the early hours, you tried your best to cheer me up and I thank you for your efforts. Heart
This morning, wasn’t I have to say, much better, in fact most of the day I’ve been a right miserable twat, so somethings don’t change I guess. Rolling eyes

But, thankfully a couple of things happened today, which have helped me turn this frown upside down, as they say in all the best Disney films.

Firstly, I saw Pippa at 4.30pm, to get my leg dressing done for the last time this year. I think I’ve already mentioned the positive effect a visit to Pippa has, on both Susie and I (poor Susie had a huge melt down yesterday morning and then again before we went to Addenbrooke’s, she is an incredibly strong lady, but there is only so much of this, even the strongest of us can bear) at this afternoons visit to Pippa, we were also treated to her double act partner Ann and this was just what the doctor ordered so to speak. Heart

Both these wonderfully, compassionate ladies, helped to put things in perspective for us this afternoon. Their kind soothing words and logical answers to our questions, really helped calm me down and Susie to understand some of the things she wasn’t so clear on.
You will be used to me singing their praises by now if you’ve managed to read all of my blog posts (thank you and well done if you have Thumbsup tone1) but I cannot stress how much better Susie and I both felt when we left the surgery this evening, as the huge hugs both of them were given by the pair of us will attest.

The logical explanation Ann gave us for the delay in surgery until next April, was something I had thought of myself but was unsure if I was correct, so Ann’s confirmation was a relief.

Basically, because I’ve only very recently had my MRI Scans done, it appears that the twathead Cyril is a low-grade tumour. So although as annoying as he is, he shouldn’t (unless he goes for the Full KFC intake Poultry legPoultry legFries) get to much bigger between now and March.
This means, hopefully when they operate in April (its both mine and Megs birthdays in April, so as Cyril appears to be an unwanted Christmas present, lets hope evicting the twat is my birthday present on the 20th Smiling imp) and have removed the gimpy little bastard, there won’t be any further complications.

If however, when they do the MRI Scans in March, he looks like Mr. Blobby it means its more serious and he will now be classed as high-grade tumour. Which means, I’ll probably need either radiotherapy, chemotherapy or possibly and worse case, both of these after they’ve evicted the little bastard.

Knowing this information has now totally relaxed both Susie and I on the reasons for the delay. If Doctor Twaticus had explained this yesterday, instead of wanting to rush us through things and get us out the door as quickly as possible, we both would have felt a lot calmer about everything.

(I can only apologise I haven’t had chance to post this a lot earlier this evening, to warn all local residences that Pippa and Ann would be on the loose at Serpentine Tesco’s, doing some Christmas shopping together. As the pranks they were playing on each other at the surgery were bad enough, so goodness only knows what they will have gotten up to left unsupervised in Tesco’s Flushed)

So, on returning from the surgery, both of us were feeling far brighter, we had dinner and then I received a friend request from a chap called Dan. I’ll spare him his blushes but suffice to say he is going through a very similar thing to me, but is further down the road having had surgery, etc.
Dan is a fellow paintball player, so I have probably seen him at games I’ve played at in the past, without realising it. To be honest quite a few people come and say hi, who I have befriended on facebook at various games and events, but my memory for names and faces, even before Cyril made his presence felt, has been terrible for years. So sorry to anyone who comes over and says hello, if I stare at you blankly, obviously from now on Cyril’s getting the blame. (But thats getting old for you Rolling eyes)

Dan took a fair degree of his early evening (thank you to his wife for letting me borrow him for an hour or so) to talk to me on facebook messenger. He told me whats happened to him and what is his current situation is, explaining what the treatment he’s had was like (I’m going to be going through a pretty similar operation in April) what sort of recovery time I could expect, the after effects of his op, etc.

Some of you may have seen his scar picture on the previous blog replies section, I think you’ll agree, as well as looking bloody painful, its also a beauty and as he said chicks dig scars. (Susie please take note Blush)

It was wonderful to be able to ask someone who’s not only been through this, but got the T-shirt so to speak (both Meg and her best mate Marnie have been suggesting I do ‘merch’ Rolling eyes) all the questions I didn’t get a chance to ask Doctor Twaticus yesterday, because he was in such a rush to get us out of his office.

A huge thanks goes to Dan, for taking the time to do this for me and for offering his support in the future, either in answering more questions or just being able to chat to him about how I’m feeling, etc.

So after what started out, as a frankly fucking awful day, I find myself typing this in a far more positive mood. There is, as Dan has explained to me, a pretty long road ahead, but I now do think, there maybe light at the end of the tunnel and not some vindictive twat, walking back down the tracks shining a torch.

As always thank you for reading these blogs and thank you all for your continued support it really means the world to myself and my family.

(I was going to ask Pippa and Ann if I could take their pics and use them as this blogs photo, but as usual we got chatting and I forgot. So I’m afraid you’ll have to suffer a picture of my burn, before Pippa had cleaned it. I can only apologise Nauseated faceNauseated face)
