Past Life

1 minute read time.
Hi All Been to the chat room but no-one there or my pc is on the blink. Had a couple of bad days, unable to get out of bed in the morning, just want to sleep and am in quite a bit of pain. I have just come off steroids after 5 months so perhaps that's the reason I am suddenly lacking in energy - anyone else had that problem? Anyway, thought I'd ring the hospital to check, lucky I have sense of humour because on top of the bladder cancer and secondary bone mets in hips, pelvis, lower back and femur, I apparently have degenerative disc disease as well. Could it get any better? What with that, possible menopause, the cancer, beginning to wonder what sin I have committed in a past life - whatever it was, it couldn't have been that much fun as I don't remember it. Up until now I've always been told start acting your age, impossibility now as I may have the mind of a 44yr old (that is questionable!) but body feels more like 84 and counting. Is there such a thing as a whole body transplant??? Anyway I just wanted to echo Indie and Deb's blogs and thank all of you for your support and friendship over the last few months. I am not sure what I would have done without this site and the support of one special member, who picked me up when I was at my lowest and although no longer with us, she remains in our thoughts, our dear Angela - she gave me a good talking to and I pulled my socks up afterwards! I am going to try the chat room again now, if you're in hiding come out to play, I promise to put my happy hat on. Love to all Judith x