new moon, new stuff

1 minute read time.

My lovely sister Mandy lost her brave battle with cancer 24th May almost one year to the day when she discovered it had come back.

The Hospice people were all marvellous and looked after us all during her last almost 3 weeks

my niece (her daughter) even sat exams the Monday and Tuesday the week she died and her caring tutors were kind enough to mark them and give her fantastic pass results within 24 hours so she could tell her mum.

After a really bad night on the Wednesday when we thought she did not have long she stabilised and her last day on earth was very peaceful. we were all able to say our goodbyes

Her funeral was a real celebration of her life. after a beautiful private woodland burial we went to a nearby seaside town - her favourite- and drank champers on the beach and paddled in the sea, then had a barbeque at her house. The sun was splitting the sky and we all felt it was a fitting way to say goodbye.

That was almost 3 weeks ago and every day i want to phone her and tell her what's been going on. but I know she's with me, keeping an eye on us all and organising us even from heaven!

going back to work tomorrow for 2 days, last week was one day. each day is a new day

  • FormerMember

    Many hugs.Take care of yourself xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear about Mandy, what a lovely send off she had. Lots of love to you all)


  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful send-off you gave your sister, and how wonderful the people around you have been. *hugs* to you and your family.

    - Hilary

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all. we were all thinking of her today as it was her son's birthday (he's 23) and he found some super photos of her to have around which was lovely. My wee mum had a moment today as she is still finding it hard, but is getting amazing support from a wide range of friends. Think that sets her off.

    I spoke to a cousin of mine today who told me how hard he has found writing to us, despite speaking to us he felt he wanted to write. he lost his sister to cancer 5 years ago- we all grew up together and were very close - he had so much unsaid to his own sister, I found myself comforting him. I feel I was very privileged to be able to say everything I wanted to to Mandy. I even told her off for leaving us! She did promise to be with me and I truly believe she is.

    I take great strength from my sister, how inspirational she was and still is to me. I am happy to share that.

    Thanks to you all

    jane xx