Letrozole shortage

1 minute read time.

Hello all. I was first diagnosed in November 2006. After I insisted on a mammogram/ biopsy  despite having NO lump. I had a complete left mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. No chemo. I took Triludan for 5 years then came off. One year later, concerned by tingling sensation I went to a private hospital in London. They scanned and said nothing wrong. Another year...Still having worrying symptoms, went to my GP, who again said probably nothing. Radiologist said nothing. But biopsy showed cancer back. They hacked another lump out of my breast, messing up the reconstruction. I had radio and chemo, and was put on Letrozole. This month I gave in my prescription, to be told no stock. I eventually found an independent chemist who had some. He told me that it costs pharmacies over £19, going up to £43. NHS gives them £2. No wonder the big chemists don't want to stock it!. My coping mechanism is to block out and not think about my diagnosis. This situation gave me serious anxiety symptoms, medical stress, which took me completely by surprise. I know I am one of the lucky ones, now being 15 years in to my cancer journey. But, I am totally freaked out about changing to another drug, as I believe this one ( rightly or wrongly) is keeping the cancer away. The original pharmacy suggested an alternative but I am so worried. GP or straight back to the cancer care at the hospital? Given the state of the NHS at the moment, I don't want to burden them. Sorry this is so long...
