
2 minute read time.

Had the common Symptoms of Lymphoma since the end of July... Fatigue, weight loss, night sweats and numerous lymph nodes in my neck raised and growing rapidly in size so that they are now very noticeable.

I went to the doctors when I first noticed them and he told me it was most certainly an infection and that they will decrease in size in about a week or so.

After two/three weeks (I cant remember exactly) I went back as they hadnt decreased in size at they had infact increased a lot.

He then referred me for a blood test for Glandular fever and a CT scan of the chest, stomach and pelvis. The scan come back clear and to be honest I never heard about the blood test so im guessing that was clear too.

They then referred me for a FNA. Which when I got to the hospital they changed their mind... they still done a biopsy with a needle but I can't remember exactly what it was called.

I then went to the hospital for the results and Dr told me that the results confirmed Lymphoma, they just need to await the results from a different hospital as to whether its Hodgkins or Non-Hodgkins. So out of shock I asked her once more "So its deffinately Lymphoma". She replied "yes, just don't know if its this or this" (she then pointed to a piece paper in which she split in to two sides to explain the differences).

On Friday I got a call from the hospital to go in and see the Dr, so of course I went as I thought I was going to get the classification. She told me that the test from the lab had come back inconclusive and that it may not be Lymphoma after all, or it could be that the sample was too small.

She then said she was going to book me in to have one of the nodes removed. She then added that they will either go ahead with the removal depending on what the outcome of my PET scan is (this is on Tuesday). If the scan shows activity then they are going to remove the node to classify it that way. If it comes back as no activity then they are going to watch and wait.

First of all I'm very confused as to how one test can show positive and another come back negative. Or is she telling me that it may not be Lymphoma to try and calm my nerves so I'm not too anxious while I wait for the results to come back.

I was just wondering if this has happened to anybody else or not?

Please advise on what your thoughts are... it will be much appreciated.

