Who Cares !!!

5 minute read time.

Well I am going off on one again, a ramble through my mind ! - Know I want to say something - but not sure I have the words, or even if I will post this when I find out what I am thinking. I find putting my thoughts down helps me focus on what I am thinking - otherwise the same thoughts just chase each other all night. I don't sleep as well these day, a fact of getting old, my treatment and for some reason a few thing on my mind - not that any of you would know anything like that yet !

OK - Back to the plot - not sure how many of you use Face book - I know, you either love it or hate it. I find it does make keeping in touch with family member a bit easier and you can also find like minded individuals.

One of the good things I found about it is that you can 'Post' Comments on your wall and if you are trying to publish or campaign about something  you can ask others to copy and publish it on their walls in turn - bit chain letter'ish I know !.

One of the most regular posting you see on friends walls is about Cancer Awareness - this month Breast Cancer - so that solves any mystery as to why I have a picture of a Pink Bra on mine - at least thats my excuse !

In one of my idle moments, I do still have some  - I wondered how they knew what particular awareness it was each month ? OK - there is a calendar ! - maybe you guessed right away - but I can be slow at times - I have put a copy on the end of here if anyone is interested.

Right not sure if anyone is still awake - but I am getting close to the reason for writing this There are so many cancers and so many Cancer Victims it really is frightening - that starts the chain of thought - as many as 1 in 3 are affected !.

Not sure how accurate this figure is or even how they arrive at it - but what an understatement - I reckon 9 out of 10 is nearer !!!

I checked the Calendar again, for example 'December is 5-A-Day Awareness' - but nowhere on there is the single largest group of Cancer Victims even mentioned !

For us the chances of a recovery are improving all the time, earlier detection, more effective drugs and treatments.

Some of us know we will not make it and all we can do is live every day and hope for better pain management and maybe better resourced palliative care facilities. What we do know is at the end there is a defined finish to our pain, worries and grief.

The Group who are not even mentioned are the Carers ! For many patient there can even be several carers, Wives, Partners, Children and even friends who can to some extent suffer similar worries to us on our journey - they may have as many or more sleepless nights, they take on the role of Nurse, Mother, Social Worker and may even have to manage the role of bread winner at the same time. This can include taking on the job - the man of the house, carrying out repairs, decorating and gardening. - I know that was sexist !

Maybe the worst aspect is that if we are terminal then the Carers may suffer  for years longer than us, in many cases full recovery is never achieved, the memories are always there. Their pain and grief carries on long after ours is over.

The loving care they gave can never be repaid, its not done for reward anyway - but by sacrificing what they do for us they may find they no longer have the long term friends they thought they had. They can end us as the Social Outcast, the single person in a world of couples. They may miss out on forming their own relationships and in extreme cases miss out on having children. They may struggle financially - Widows pension may mean a lower standard of living, they may also have to maintain a mortgage, and this is just the Partners. If you add in the grief and pain of the children, other Family members and friends

None of this is meant to cause further Pain, Distress or Worries to any Carers on this site - its really saying how can such a large group of Cancer Victims not be recognized more widely - they may be recognised with in the family - but does the Community realise what a debt they owe these unpaid Slaves ! - lets try and get them some recognition.

I am glad the Macmillan Site is so well integrated - including Patients, Carers and friends - some nights on chat can be hard - you hear so much pain - but in every case several people will step forward to offer help, advise and Care. some of the stories on there are truly inspirational - so we see happy tears as well as sad. If someone is left out it is only by accident and someone will usually pick-up on in a very short time. I know we have a separate Carer Room now and I have no objections if carers feel easier going in there to discuss a problem. But please do not use it because you feel we do not want you in the main room - We owe you so much and maybe we can give a little back to you by explaining our side of things.

Cancer Awareness Calendar

January:    Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
February:   Screening and Early Detection Awareness Month
March:         Colo rectal Cancer Awareness Month
April:            Cancer Fatigue Awareness Month
May:             Cancer Research Awareness Month
                      Brain Tumor Action Week
                      Sponsored by the North American Brain Tumor Coalition
June:            National Cancer Survivors Day
July:              Sarcoma Awareness Month
August:         Pain Medicine and Palliative Care
September: Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
                       Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
                       Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
October:        Breast Cancer Awareness Month
November:   Lung Cancer Awareness Month
                        Smoking Cessation
December:    5-A-Day Awareness Month

Love and Hugs to Everyone and Especially the Carers Out There.

John xx

  • FormerMember

    A thought provoking blog John, and unsurprisingly you missed Melanoma awareness from May.  Not to worry, it's one that everyone overlooks....

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Sorry Marsha - Lesson learned !! I was too busy concentrating on what was on my mind and maybe missed checking the accuracy of the Calendar I nicked off an American Site - thankyou for reminding us of Melanoma another silent killer. Every Cancer is just as important as any other.

    Hugs Mate


  • FormerMember

    John your so right in saying that we should have more awareness for the carers i have said time and time again that i think its a harder journey for them ,each one of them is a hero in my eyes and all without any reware or thanks and i know they don't do it for that they do it for love but even if we had one day where the whole world just took a minute to reconize the fantastic work carried out by unsung hero's.

    With love to all the carers out there xxxJackie

  • FormerMember

    John - as to be expected of you; you have given thought and have verbalised so thought provokingly the situation from not just the ca patients perspective but also from the carer's side of the fence.

    As a carer, I would never begrudge a single heartbeat of care for my husband, unless I could have taken his burden from him.  We cannot walk those lonely miles for our loved ones, but we can walk by their side every step along whichever route their journey takes them.

    The journey is not an easy experience for anyone from any perspective.

    All I can say is that carers also develop the skill of needing very little sleep, just as many patients do.  

    There is so much more I feel I would like to say here, but I know it will be an amble and ramble around my thoughts too, far too boring for any sane person to indulge in reading.  

    Maybe I need to visit chat again and we could work out these elusive ideas.

    John as usual you seriously underestimate yourself and your perceptiveness!

  • FormerMember

    john, very thought provoking, and as was a carer, and wife, now widow ,mum, and every thing else you mentioned thankyou , you have said these things to me many times and i appreciate you thinking of us carers hugs jenni xx