The End Of The World or Just Hell On Earth !!

2 minute read time.

OK !! Fed up with all you false prophets of doom, spreading uncertainty and concern among us, the true believers !! Some of us have experienced Hell more than once and prayed for the end of the world !!
The correct date for the end of the civilised world and the start of hell on earth is 29th August 2011, coincides with the Bank Holiday, anyone heading into Devon will experience it, 24 mile traffic jams.  As soon as you pass the last Services the kids will throw up, Granny will first suffer from wind, followed by incontinence and Mum mentions she has run out of nappies !!
This is around the time the thermostat and the fan packs up and the internal temp reaches 120 F - Granny does not smell good, and the kids not much better. Not sure about the dog having a weak stomach - managed to throw its dinner onto the windscreen, a good 10 ft !!
Its also the time you remember your RAC subscription ran out yesterday, and you thought the petrol would last until you got off the motorway. You have a flashing petrol indicator, maybe enough for 30 Min's, but You forgot the 4 hour jams !
Could always be worse, the engine could overheat, opps !! too late. Turn the engine off and wait 30 Min's for the car in front to move 3ft so you can get on the hard shoulder.  Only been stopped 5 Min's when all the Traffic sets of at 80 MPH and the selfish beggers will not let you back in !! - Bloody Northern Caravan Towing Grockles !!
Finally pick on a little old lady in a Morris Oxford with a split screen and force you way back into the flow. In my days little old ladies did not swear like that or even know those hand signals !!  - thats when the traffic  slows again !!
Ok Long story short - 6 hours later get to the campsite, really experienced, used to putting up the tent in the rain, mind you the wind is a problem, glad of the lightning cause the torch has gone flat ! After an hour give up , you really do need the tent poles !! - so sleep in the car.
After an hour you actually start to feel relaxed, think its the gentle rocking motion - very soothing. It now you realise the Blurb in the pamphlet about Electricity & Running Water is Devonian for Lightning Storms and liable to Flash Flooding !! Yes some of us have experienced hell on earth already !!
Some of us would welcome the end of the world, just hope its not on a Bank Holiday in Devon !!

Hugs To all - life's too short to worry !!

John xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for that nic, I am not a true Devonian, thought I was helping John out, but some people just cant be helped. lol  what part of Devon are you I am in a small village just outside Tavistock.

  • FormerMember

    Bloody Hell Guys !! Nic and Chrisie, You Yokels stick together, suppose it helps when you need to get the harvest in !

    Its ok understand - bleed the Grockles dry then off to the south of France for the winter huh ?

    Us Grockles are members of the RSPB, cute little while gulls always seem hungry, think the loacals neglect them, well they eat all I feed them - Nic You complain about them begging for a small taste of Pasty -  find that cute myself. Err Devon ?? Pasties are Cornish so are these Cornish gulls ?? Maybe  they feel offended by the stale Pasties that the Cornish sent to You

    J XX

  • FormerMember

    Hell that was good John lmao :) :) :)

    We tow a caravan but avoid Bank Holiday Traffic, Did have tent holiday in Devon many moons ago with first husband and kids, lovely place and people.

    But the holidaymakers do jam up the paths and roads and the gulls are BLOODY ENORMOUS.

    Thanks for the chuckle John

    Shaz ((((XX))))