OK - not the sharpest Knife in the box but !!

1 minute read time.

Feeling really sorry for my self and totally confused

signed in tonight and joined in the chat  felt so great - off to meet so many new friends I have made on here in the last few weeks and have a chat !

Bit busy on there so someone suggested a few of us take it next door to the just for fun room and leave room for the new commers who might be over whelming  by the light hearted attitude of some of us - no problem.

Ok got a couple of confesions to make - can have a inappropriate sense of humour - but have tried to modify my approach.

Second confession ? I try to speak from the heart  when it is needed - I have 3 special friends on here who are still new members and are only confident so far in talking to me in whisper chat - not yet ready to join in general chat - not a boast  just a fact.

So we are now in the just for fun room - I make a few comments and a couple of members feel offended -  think it relates to asking someone from wales if they wanted to hear any jokes about sheep ?? suddenly find I am the villan.

Not in favour of splitting the rooms - but accept the need for it on occasions - go to the just for fun room - suddenly told how insensitive  and racist I am !!

Not a threat - but thinking of leaving the site - would rather go and come to terms with My Cancer myself than cause hurt and suffering to others - just I cannot understand how I can  be so misunderstood so often - has to be down to me


John xx


  • FormerMember

    John - Please don't leave the site. You are one of the "insightful" people who do so much to help others! The first few months on Chat, I'd found you to be so quiet, I used to wonder if you were actually on line. It has been only recently that you've joined in with the general discussions. Now I see that you were active all along, by helping others through the "whisper" feature. I think you have a great sense of humour, and appreciate every joke you tell. (It helps that you apologize in advance - LOL)...

    It's been 4 years since my hubby has been diagnosed with, now, stage 4 cancer. I have only discovered this site last year... I had fallen into somewhat of a depression before I found this site. One of the things that has helped to lift me out, was the sense of humour of the members here.

    So again - please reconsider - and don't leave!!!

    Hugs, Mo

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya John,

    Some sites suit some people, personally I prefer this site to any other. as I or should I say we can talk at our own pace. Its not that I have anything against the Chat room or the Fun room I just feel more comfortable here. But to go and try to come to Terms with Your Cancer on your own, I personally

    think is not a good idea at least on this site you Have many friends to help and understand how you feel and thats the way it should be. After all we are here for eachother.Good luck John on what ever you decide.I hope you stay for everyones sake so we can Help.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi John..I am alot like sarsfield, I go and have a nose occassionally in chat but I too feel more at home writting my blogs, which are mainly humour at the antics in my madhouse and most know what the contents of my blogs are by the titles I use. I love laughter mate, but not every one is the same and maybe some people on chat just want to talk about their circumstances and don't want to laugh, I don't know love, we are all so different mate. This will blow over love, don't go leaving this site, we all need eachother.....love Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    John, dont worry about it. and definitely dont go leaving the site. You do like to have a joke, but you are always very aware of when people are having a hard time, and have extended a warm hand to me when i was feeling down, and uncared for. So thankyou and keep being a wonderfully supportive person.

    I think it is a shame that chat has become a little 'clicky' and on an aside I hope that the 'older crowd' dont continue to just chat amongst themselves in the just for fun room and forget to go out of their way to help those in need. Occasionally this is good but should not be a regular feature. We were all new once, and when I came on I found talking to you all especially the ones who had been on the site for a long time invaluable as it gave me hope and courage, and I hope that I can offer that same hope and courage to new people as well.

    Sorry for hijacking this post, but please stick around john. I do see you go out of your way to make sure people, new and old, are ok when they log on, and that is what we all need around hear, love and support cause for some of is, this site is all thats holding us together,

    (((((((((((((((((loads of hugs))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    hey john i once again agree with robynn , do not leave please , i like your sense of humour, but more so your kind heart the last few days for me have been quite hard , and you have been kind and sensetive, and yes you have made me laugh and god did i need it , love and hugs jenni xxxxx