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Confessions of a wheelie bin driver
  • Hello everyone.Unfortunately I was unable to express my thanks without writing a new blog for some reason.Firstly I would like to thank you all for your comments they do mean a lot.Odin I have made my way straight to the naughty step I haven't been there for a while so will give the place a good clean up.Real Welsh cwtches certainly do make you feel warm and safe.I know you have a lot going on too so I will cross all appendages for you too.I go for my driving lesson tomorrow and I doubt crossed appendages will make much impact on my driving I'm also sure my instructor won't notice either who knows it might improve my driving.LM you can't keep a good woman whos friend has a baseball bat and knows how to wield it down for long.I still chuckle at mitomycin.Your so right if it comes to RT or a bag they are doable as for peeing a lot well that's normal for me too.But I must protest that it seems everyone is either a dyson or heading in that direction I will be if it comes to it the lone baggy which also makes me chuckle too.i have graduated from peeing broken glass to feeling like I'm peeing smooth pebbles so perhaps tomorrow all will return to normal.Twirly I too am glad I got a consultant who was direct I prefer knowing the facts then I know what I have to deal with.Thank you for hugs and good wishes and you where so right about Ems.Clarlybel your good wish mean a lot too they really do help.Dan you are far more stoic than I could ever be.I can't imagine how awful it must be to have such pain and watch your fingers and toes rotting and finding a way to carry on life as normal as possible.I too count myself fortunate I'm still here to battle and there are many far worse off than me.I read your blog and so admire your resourcefulness in dealing with what you are going through.Lovely Ems you sum up my feelings about cancer so well just as Twirly said you would.Thank you for skipping over the bit about taxis.Joycee thank you my friend for your good wishes and taking out time from your holiday to comment.I am indeed fortunate to have the support of you lovely lot so again thank you all much love huge hugs Cruton from the norty step xxx
  • FormerMember

    Budge up on that norty step, cos you need a HUGE hug from your norty companion... I've got drinks and chocklit.

    According to the surgeon, I'm going to be a baggy again one day, Cruton just a matter of time so you can always be a trail blazer... and you get to go to the poobaggers picnics which as you know are soooo much fun, - they are for weebaggers too. I hope it won't come to that though and mitomycin does the trick. It worked pretty well for me!

    Good luck driving tomorrow- I'll stay in til you are back and when do you find out?

    Big hugs and we are always with you and that crabby cancer bastard had better watch out with my bat to hand... skippedy skip.

    Lots and lots of love and never mind admiring others, you are pretty admirable yourself...

    get those wheels burning and skidding.. there is lots of fun to be had.

    Little My xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember


    What a warrior you are. (But just in case, I will lend you my armour to tide you over.)

    Now, the driving - well it's a case of .............three deep breaths and stand like mountain. That's before you climb into the car. Then three more three deep breaths. Go for it.

    Hats off to an amazing lady. 

    Huge hugs,

    Little Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi there my friend with the pink hair from the race for life who lent me her wig!

    I agree with LM about you being pretty admirable yourself and never mind the others, this is about you.

    I see we're back to social gatherings on the norty step again with illicit booze and cakes.Perhaps I should join you,because today I went to the M&S cafe for a coffee and they were part of the world's biggest coffee morning so I had to have a piece of cake. The lady serving either thought I looked starved or that I had a large hole to fill because she cut me a big slice.

    I shall use public transport tomorrow; what time is your driving lesson? BTW I don't remember seeing L plates on the wheelie bin!

    You and Twirly are so right about Ems. Ems has the advantage of being able to draw on three languages, English, Welsh and when those languages haven't a strong enough expletive there is always Emsish.

    Well what with Ems shouting at the cancer to frighten it off, and LM standing there with her bat to bash it as it runs past I reckon it doesn't stand a chance.

    Sending you lots of love and remember we are with you all the way,

    More welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Cruton ....... think we should have a party on the norty step because we are all in it together - kicking cancer's butt to smithereens, that is. So here's to us all with cakes and chocklit ! 

    You are pretty amazing yourself and we are indeed right behind you all the way.

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx