Mitomycin and raw jacket potatoe with cheese

4 minute read time.

Well I set off with my overnight bag well my friends overnight bag to the local hospital.Now the letter said don't eat or drink anything from midnight and you must be on time.I am always either early or on time it would be a rare thing for me to be late.The strange thing is everyone and I do mean everyone of my friends is always last minuete or late it drives me up the wall.Well I arrived at 7.50am and i was put into a day room to wait.The anaesetist then saw me then the consultant to explain what he was going to do .He was going exploring with a camera and dye up into my bladder and redundant ureter and functioning ureter,he told me I was second on the op list but the op before mine was a big op so I could be waiting a while.Well into hospital gown and those elastic stockings that you have to pull and tug to get on they are made of industrial strength elastic something like that shape wear you can get or spanx.I still have marks around my knees where they came to.I was a little nervous as I was on the same ward I had my kidney out on thirteen months ago and the after care was well it left much to be desired due to so few nurses and so many patients.This time I had no complaints I was well looked after from start to finish I even had my own ensuite room.I spent the next few hours listening to the radio and doing crosswords and suduku i didnt take a book in to read as everyone seems to be reading fifty shades of porn and I have never really fancied reading that and i thought they would think me strange if i took in any other book but that.I finally went to theatre five hours later.The porter walked me to theatre they use to take you on a trolly or a wheel chair but seems things have changed and I was glad of my dressing gown as those who have had ops will know hospital gowns always have ties missing and gape in the most embaracing places.This was supposed to fasten down the back but didn't have any fastens,now many years ago my mum used to say my bum favoured two eggs in a rag unfortunately the same cannot be said now so dressing gown saved my blushes and others from trauma.I was knocked out and this time a lovely nurse held my hand.When I woke I was shivering due to the anaesthetic and had drips all over the place.Back to the ward and they said I could have a drink and they had ordered me something for my tea.They asked if I needed pain relief and I remember being told don't put up with pain take the drugs so a healthy wack of oromorph sorted out the pain.They brought me a tray with a jacket potatoe with what looked like dried grass and a tub of cheese.I attacked the potatoe and I mean attacked as it was so hard it kept trying to shoot off the plate.So I ate as much of my raw potatoe as I could manage and the what I think was supposed to be a trifle.The Consultant came to see me he had that look you know the one he has bad news look and spoke in that kind and quiet way.He said some bad news you had two growths in your bladder they are more than likely cancerous we removed them and they have gone for histology and we should have the results for you in two weeks.If it is aggressive the two worst case scenarios are radio therapy or bladder removal best case senario is monitoring.He shown me a picture of what he had found not a photo for the family album.He said they would inject some mitomycin into my bladder it's a form of chemo to mop up any rogue cells.I don't know if it was a bit of hysteria or what but every time I heard the name mitomycin it made me laugh and think of this mighty drug wizzing around moping up rogue naughty cells.The worst bit was staying in over night and the very worst bit telling my daughters,of course I played it all down as you do.I made sure they let me out today with the I'm fine I didn't mention that every time I pee it's like peeing broken glass but this will settle down in a day or so.I also told them my daughter was picking me up but I was actually getting a taxi so home now and as with many of us the waiting begins just hope the days go fast love and hugs to all Cruton x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Cruton what a warrior you are, and how naughty to go home by taxi! I thought only LM would do something like that!

    Now we have that horrible wait for results. My typing is going to be so erratic over the next two weeks with everything crossed and I won't even mention my car driving. Mind you, my friends might say the latter has improved and I should always drive like that.

    Have some real Welsh cwtches to keep you warm and safe until we get the results. And ole crabby had better watch out if he knows what isn't good for him.

    We're all with you on this journey,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    my dearest fellow naughtys step person,

    That brought back a lot of memories for me... the gown, the stockings the waiting etc and the awful food.

    I am going to do unspeakable things to that b*****d cancer for having another go at my friend. But mitomycin is a mighty warrior and pretty powerful (i had it as one of my chemo drugs) so hopefully that is that.

    If not then RT is doable (you just end up needing to pee a lot - I got my bladder zapped by default when doing your arse) and a bag is dobable but not nice. SO my friend, we are with you all the way and holding your hand and hugging you for when you don't feel so brave as you are pretending to be to everyone else....

    Biggest hugs to youa nd remember to be honest to us.. no pretending now.

    Hope you are comfy and home and not in pain.

    I am amazed and proud of your stoicism.

    Skipping with the bat ....

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cruton,

    And there was I thinking cystitis was the devil's own curse! Poor you having to summon up your courage just to take a leak, well I don't know, as if you hadn't had enough to cope with by now. Luckily you are one tough lady but as LM says, you needn't pretend to us that you're feeling ok when you're anything but - we all have shoulders at the ready and loads of tissues, plus a few choice words for Mr. Crab. Well Ems has more than a few being Welsh and all.

    I love the idea of Mighty-Mice-Sin whizzing round zapping stray nasties, sounds just what the doctor ordered. And he did! And I'm glad he was quiet and kind and gave you facts not flannel.

    We are deffo not going to be quiet but we will be as kind as ever because you are our good friend as well as being a mad wheelie-bin driver goingto the rescue of friends incarcerated in horrible hospitals. I'm so pleased you had good care this time but it's norty step for getting a taxi. I don't know, what are we going to do with you?

    Take care and take heart Cruton, we'll try & keep you amused while you're waiting so it won't seem so long. Meantime, sleep tight tonight, & see you tomorrow.

    Love & hugs,

    Twirly xxx

  • FormerMember

    Lots and lots of hugs Cruton

    Naughty you for getting a taxi, we could have come to get you in your wheelie bin :)

    Bastard cancer, we will all be waiting with you, all appendages crossed for the results 

    I hope they've sent you home with painkillers cos stinging pain when you wee is not fun and I bet yours is thousands worse than a urine infection

    Like LM says no pretending

    I hope you have a really good rest tonight and a lovely long sleep

    Sending you lots and lots of love and hugs xxxxx