Unexpected item in bagging area, so off to A&E

3 minute read time.

Hi everyone,

I haven't been ignoring my Mac friends, I had an unscheduled stay in hospital and it goes like this.....

Thursday last week was spent mostly in a car travelling to and from a funeral in Manchester. Not long after I got home I had what I thought was a little indigestion and took a couple of tablets. Off I went to bed only to wake up after midnight with more severe stomach pains, and eventually rang emergency Doc. An hour later and I realised my ileostomy (baggy) was completely empty and the lovely Emergency Doc said get yourself to A&E, they will be waiting for you! They certainly were, no waiting for me, a few questions and then off to a cubicle. By now I was doubled up in pain so much I could hardly walk, and so I was very happy when they finally adminstered morphine, though I needed 3 shots to stop the pain. Off to have some X-Rays and wait for a Doc to see me. I must say my stay in A&E was not that long and I was treated brilliantly by all the nurses and Docs. They were actually envious of me when after about an hour or so I was off to a ward, this was because there was a lady in another cubicle screaming hysterically but not saying what was wrong with her.

I was treated to my own private room and thought I must be important, but no, it was the only bed that was available. Actually this was a blessing in disguise as in the beds opposite me was a druggy who had been beaten up for his "stuff" and was very noisy. He was also full of shite (unlike baggy) and during my stay told me so many lies to try and find a way of getting money off me and the others, but we all had him sussed. All this time my W had been helping me through my trauma despite it being now Friday morning and having no sleep.

Not long after 9am a colorectal consultant and his team paid me a visit and after a lot of discussion decided to do nothing, wait and see. I say nothing, but I had a drip in my arm as I was Nil by Mouth. The experts believed I had a kink in my ileum, which apparently can happen with a stoma, and that it might just go back to normal, but if not then I would most likely have surgery. I'll skip now to 8:30pm on the same day and joy of joy baggy started to work again, within 30 mins all signs of pain were gone!

Saturday was a good day, and I felt back to normal but they would not let me go home, saying it was to soo. On Sunday although I felt 100% well baggy was not performing quite as he should and so I had to stay another night.  Finally Monday morning and it was decided that I could go home although baggy still seemed a little lazy. However, I was told what to do if things went wrong and felt very reassured. Once again the attention and support from all hospital staff was superb.

So here I am back home, having missed my works Xmas party and my W missing hers, and obviously I was so happy to see W and my girls again. I am very glad to be back home for Xmas, fingers crossed of course that there are no more blockages!

One thing I did find out was about my scan result, not in detail just a quick overview from a support nurse. Apparently the scan shows everything looks the same as before, they can see 2 nodes but could see these before, not that I knew that!!!! Anyway, they said no change is good news, and after the few weeks I have had I'll take that!

Not sure I will be using the self service checkouts at Sainsbury's for a while though, it will bring back bad memories!

Tight Lines


  • FormerMember

    Phew, blimey Tim!!! I was going to pm you yesterday to see if you were ok cos you hadn't been around for a few days and I fell asleep... and look what you were up to!!!!

    That wasn't a cheeky way of jumping the reversal queue was it?? ;)

    Glad you are now ok and back home and don't you go scaring us like that again! I know we say we will cross everything for each other's appointments, but that is taking things a bit too far...!

    Hoorah that scan results were got and ok. Funny how they don't tell you these things isn't it till after the event... anyway no change sounds good to me.

    take it easy and hope baggy is behaving himself again now and glad you are home safe and sound.

    Lots of love and big hugs to you and light tines too

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad to have you back Tim, we men were getting lonely on here.

    Good luck and hope baggy behave for Christmas.

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Tim, that sounds horrible and scary - and that's just the ward! - and I would hug you if not for fear of something going 'pop'.

    *hugs cautiously anyway*

    - Hilary


  • Welcome back Tim

    the lengths some people will go to to find out their results very cunning plan well executed.

    What a rough time you have been having I hope baggy continues to behave and sorry you both missed your Christmas parties 

    LM is right please no more scares 

    Stay well

    Big Hugs



  • FormerMember

    Good to see you back Tim! A kinky ileum sounds rather like  fetish equipment, what on earth did you get up to? Glad you're not in pain now, but sorry you & wife missed your parties. Make up for it on New Year's Eve, eh?

    Light tines, hugs & stuff,

    Annie xxx