complicated family and cancer mess

  • what an exhausting few days!!


    got back from my singing tour very early on thursday morning at 5 in the morning!! and have been on the go non-stop ever since, hence not writing a post for a while!!! I went to switzerland in monetreux for the jazz festival where I performed twice with my choir!! It was sooo good being able to perform in front of such a large crowd at a major international festival!! I saw aloe blacc in concert as well as raphael saadiq…

  • emotionally and mentally drained


    ok I'm really finding out who my real friends are now!! And I am very suprised....

    Today was my mum's planning pre assessment appointment for her radiotherapy which was fine, although really strange for me to be sat in the waiting room instead of calling patients in!! My mum was really grateful I was there and I'm so glad I could drive her etc. She is due to have 18 fractions of treatement starting on mon. I feel…

  • torn


    So a few days ago my mum told me about her breast cancer. Now I know my mum and she's not one to show her feelings or that she's scared. But she has a radiotherpy planning appoitnment on the 28th and she said to me you should come it will be inetersting for you. Now this in mum's language is I'm scared I need you. I desperately want to be there for her, but unfortunately in my world it's never simple. On that day I'm…

  • Finally!!


    My mum told me tonight, she has breat cancer stage 1, so all is good. I'm just so happy she decided to tell me now. I was so upset she hasn't told me but now she has I feel no anger just love. :) 


  • The discovery


    Right here's the meaty part.... 

    I have just come home for the summer as I finally have a break in between my second and third year of nursing, which I tell you is a rariety!! So I decided to spend some time with my family because they mean the world to me. 

    I think I had suspected something wrong with my mother for quite some time, but in all honesty I was in denial and quite frankly I always thought my mum would…