The discovery

4 minute read time.

Right here's the meaty part.... 

I have just come home for the summer as I finally have a break in between my second and third year of nursing, which I tell you is a rariety!! So I decided to spend some time with my family because they mean the world to me. 

I think I had suspected something wrong with my mother for quite some time, but in all honesty I was in denial and quite frankly I always thought my mum would trust me with something this big!! After all even though it took her a few days, she did tell me about her thryoid op which is no where near as big a deal. I knew that there was a history of breast cancer in my mum's side of the family, my grandmother died when my mum was 17 of it, so I always knew it was a possiblity that my mum could get it. She had two breast cancer scares in the past so the thought has always been in the back of my mind ever since I was about 7. 

I knew that because my mum is in the bracket for breast cancer screening she was getting tested, although this was only by mistakenly finding the letter. I have been at uni the last 4 months so I haven't been aware of what has been going on. On my birthday though, the 12th march I knew something was wrong because usually on my birthday my mum calls in the morning, always by about 11 to wish me happy birthday, but this year she didn't phone until very late, 10.30pm. At the time I knew there was something really wrong but I chose to ignore it naively thinking that my mum would confide in me.... how wrong I was!!

Right so fast forward to yesterday, I was looking through a mound of mail trying to find mail that my parents had forgotton to forward onto me, and I came across my mum's diary. For some reason I had this feeling that I should look in it, there was this marker on one of the ages so I turned to it. In one of the days it said 'breast appointment', my first thought was oh that was probably the screening but the date was much later so I looked at some more pages. As I went through there were more and more entries like 'breast clinic' etc... then I came across the first one that really scared me- 'breast lump removed', then there was 'breast op', 'lymph node check', 'cancer clinic', 'spire hospital'.... I put it away and still thought but surely if my mum had breast cancer she would have told me?

Then today I decided if she hadn't told me then I was going to look through her things in her room. Now I know many of you would think this is a breach of privacy and trust but I had to know I'm her daughter and if anything bad is happening to her then I need to know, I'm training to be a nurse for goodness sake!! I knew she wasn't going to tell me so here I went.... 

I opened her first drawer next to her bed and lo and behold there was a great fat folder full of cancer appointment letters, consent forms, radiotherapy guides, medications, dressings.... I needed to know everything so I carried on looking and reading through each and every pice of paper that was there. I discovered that she had been called back from her screening and this had eventually led onto being diagnosed with breast cancer. From what I could gather was she had had her lump removed and well as a lymph node check, ultrasound, along with many other things, numerous appointments, clinics and that she was now on anastrozole. 

Then I came across something that sent a chill down my spine, which wasn't nearly the worst thing in this file:

It was for an appointment on the morning of the12th march at the private hospital, I don;t know what it was for I couldn't process anything at this point, this was my birthday, this was why my mother hadn't called in the morning.... I had so many questions going through my head: 

What did she have to go through on my birthday while I was enjoying myself?

Why didn't she tell me? Was it to protect me because I would have rather been told and been with her than been out drinking?

I put everything back where I found it went to my room and just sat for about an hour, numb, angry, upset, betrayed, why my mum hadn't told me, I could have helped her.... I feel so hurt she's been going through this hell for the last 4 months. I know she's strong and she is protecting me but is she ever planning on telling me? what if she had to have chemo? would she have told me or just preventing me from coming home? I have so many questions but I know I can't talk to her she would never forgive me going through her stuff and I suppose I want to respecther decision of not telling me, I will just have to give her time, I just hope she has time as I don't know the staging or anything.....  only time will tell 

  • FormerMember

    I feel desperately sorry for you, and your Mum.  I feel  that it should all be out in the open, and with my family and they have known from day one but I know some families don't like talking about it in case it is really happening.  My parents in law had 2 sons, and never  ever told them what was really wrong with their Mum when she died.  I know it was some kind of cancer, and nursed her at the end, but they were never told.

    I think you will have to find a discreet way of finding out, perhaps by mentioning something from your nursing training or a 'friends experiences'  to give them the chance to tell you.  You may find they just didn't know how to find the words.

    I hope everything works out for you all.

    love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Aw confuseddaughter

    I do feel for you, to find out as you have isnt nice. I kind of understand to a degree where your mum is coming from.  I have tried to protect my two daughters from my news that i have breast cancer, and as you say she doesnt want you to worry.  As a mum of a teenage daughter just finishing her GCSE's i can totally identify with why she has probaby felt the need for secrecy as you are also in the middle of your studies.

    Its difficult to guage as we all deal with things so differently, perhaps now you are at home for a little while she may be more inclined to share her news, hopes, fears etc with you.  

    I know that my eldest daughter was with me from the begining and was there when i got my bad news, i was grateful for that, but my younger daughter it has been very different.  Its business as normal at least until she gets through these exams. She knows i have cancer but im afraid i do play it down and strange as this may seem its because i care and love her.

    I am sure this is exactly how Mum feels at the moment, but give her some time to perhaps come to terms with it herself first.  Emotions run high and we dont know which  way to turn initially, easy for me to say because it is obvious you are hurting.  It is for you to decide how you deal with it  from here, you sound like a very lovely caring and compassionate young lady and i am sure you will find the right way to benefit both you and Mum at this very difficult time.

    Take care, am sending you all good wishes

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Mmm difficult but you realise the longer things go unsaid now the more it will fester between you! if your mum thinks you are angry with her she may be unwilling to open up. Be honest about looking for mail but I don't think I would say about the appointments. Maybe even just say 'Mum you seem preoccupied, is there something you want to tell me'. Start a new chapter, I know you say things are difficult, so hug her tell you love her and will stand by her. Let her know that with your training you may be of use at appointments etc, I know my family always found it useful to have someone around who 'spoke the language' of the professionals.

    Have replied to your PM, keep in touch.

    Diane xx

  • FormerMember

    thank you everyone.

    I tried today to leave a subtle hint by talking about my previous placement which was on cancer care, and about some of my patients. I even said how some patients commented on how good I was at listening and comforting them, still nothing. I think I will keep on trying to put in subtle hints here and there. For example, I think she has an appointment on the 28th and I need the car then and she said do you need the car for that day? So maybe I can get it out of her that way....

    Thank you for all the advice :)

    Greybadger- I think it's awful people don't tell their loved ones, I can understand when they don't have an actual diagnosis, but I've seen the hurt it can cause in my job as I've seen people pass away and the family have no idea they're even ill, very sad indeed. To be honest I'm just pleased I know, whatever the outcome will be I will be prepared. I'm just pleased that I found out.

    Jules- I can completely understand mothers protecting their children, I can understand them downplaying it, but I would have thought my mum would at least have told me, something, she doesn't have to tell me everything, she went mad when I didn't tell her about a biospy I had, I think that's why I'm so upset because it's alright for her not to say but not for me. I think I just need time to process it before approaching her at all otherwise I will just come over angry... I know she did it not to distract me from placement and exams but I have summer now, maybe she finds it hard to say now as it's been so long, who knows? I have decided to leave it for now, I think it's upto her really.

    Diane- I completely agree with you but I just don't see a way round it at the moment, I think my mum is in denial about the whole thing. My dad nearly let slip today I swear, I am on antibiotics and other tabs and he said you're as bad as your mother with.... and then he realised, now I know there are so many clues, my mum gets hett up about anything to do with cancer. I think I find this so hard because my mother and I hardly ever hug or anything and I just find it so difficult even at the best of times, its just the way I've been brought up.

    Thank you so much for all the kind words :)

    All the best

    Lia x