
1 minute read time.

So a few days ago my mum told me about her breast cancer. Now I know my mum and she's not one to show her feelings or that she's scared. But she has a radiotherpy planning appoitnment on the 28th and she said to me you should come it will be inetersting for you. Now this in mum's language is I'm scared I need you. I desperately want to be there for her, but unfortunately in my world it's never simple. On that day I'm meant to be going to southampton to look at rooms for our new house (to decide which ones we have), setting up a bank account etc. I am also meeting my academic tutor which I could rearrange.

I told a couple of my housemates about this and if we could do it another day. One of them turned around and said you're not comprsimising this is the only day we can all do, just because she wants to move in then. I'm just so fed up of trying to be there for my mum but being made to feel guilty for it. I told my friend because I thought she would understand she is a fellow student nurse afterall. So whilst my mum is at a radiotherapy appointment by herself I will be stuck with my non-understanding 'friends' arguing about who has what room, pathetic...

Any ideas would be most appreciated, I am fed up because I am not only torn between my friends and mum but also between my mum and sister as my mum doesn't want my sister to know, and me and my sister have a rocky relationship as it is so if she finds out, I think our relationship will take a hit but so be it, thats the way my mum wants it. 

  • FormerMember

    thank you everyone for the advice really appreciated :)

    I have basically told my friend to stuff it, I don't care about anything other than my mum now, she has supported me through thick and thin over the last 20 years, so I owe her this much at the very least. And I completely agree if it was my friend's mum she would expect me to understand.

    And for my sister I will have a chat to my mum about it.

    You're all right family comes first everytime

    lots of love to you all

    Lia xx