emotionally and mentally drained

1 minute read time.

ok I'm really finding out who my real friends are now!! And I am very suprised....

Today was my mum's planning pre assessment appointment for her radiotherapy which was fine, although really strange for me to be sat in the waiting room instead of calling patients in!! My mum was really grateful I was there and I'm so glad I could drive her etc. She is due to have 18 fractions of treatement starting on mon. I feel quite gulity as I will be in switzerland then not getting back till late on wed, but I suppose it can't be helped, just bad timing. 

The funny thing is through all this is I'm coping with all the cancer and stuff fine, it's everything else that is stressing me out. In my last blog post I talked about house problems with my new housemates. I won't go into details, but they basically treated me like a piece of **** and I'm shocked that they have done that, espcially as they know about everything that's going on at the moment. And they're student nurses surely they should know better?? As well as having them arguing with me and being rude I have to sort out mould in my new room in this house, as well as sorting out my house back home with my parents as we are trying to sell it.... Is it little wonder I am not even excited ar the thought of going to switzerland in 2 days to perform with my choir at a jazz festival, once in a lifetime experience. 

I have no energy, all I want to do is be there for my mum and everything keeps on happening. I feel like some people really just don't get it. If any of these 'friends' were in my position they would not be happy. Oh and to top it all off got some bad news the other day, my mum's cousin's son committed suicide. Sorry about the rant guys but I'm really fed up now!!

Love to you all xx

  • FormerMember

    You rant away...it sounds like a total nightmare for you!  I'm so sorry to hear of the troubles you are having to endure...as if it wasn't enough to deal with your Mum's health at this time!  I do agree that you would think of all people, student nurses would be more understanding.  Unfortunately I have also been faced with the disappointment of peoples selfish outlook over the last 10 years and it is enlightening...it really separates the weeds from the roses!

    Keep strong and try to take time to look after you too.  If you get run down and become ill you will be restricted in going to see your Mum due to the risk of infection so it is important that you take time to rest and eat well.  I know that's easier said than done, but it is meant from the heart!  Much love xx

  • FormerMember

    Sod  'em thats what I say. Pretty voice to go with a pretty name.

    It's a true saying, you cant choose your family but you can choose your friends.

    I know you have much to do but getting away will do you good. We all crave a bit of normality and we can live that through your trip so get yourself hyped up for it and enjoy it. Want details when you get back. As Winnie said, keep strong, we are here when you need us, and keep well.

    Lot of love ((((((XXX))))))

  • FormerMember

    Hi honey, I had a similar experience in a learning group. They decided to have a big conversation abou how hard it is to deal with the grief of families after a death when in the community. This happened just as mum was beginning to deteriorate and I said I was having difficulty with the conversation but they carried on. I ended up running out in tears not a pretty sight I'm 40 for christa sake! Keep strong honey enjoy your trip you still have time to be there for your mum. Hugs sweetie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    You certainly do find out just who your friends are when you need them!...You have had so much to deal with,& have stayed so strong,my heart goes out to you...Enjoy Switzerland!...want a full update when you get back hunny...  :)

    nikki x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, I found the same when my dad was diagnosed and ill. Some of the friends that I thought would be there for me weren't and some that I'd lost regular contact with were amazing. It sounds like you're having a really tough time at the moment so take the time in Switzerland to relax away from your grumpy housemates and the difficult situation, recharge your batteries and return ready to take on the world again! Stay strong, you sound to be coping admirably! All the best, Vikki