Winter Picture Festival 2023 - Highlights

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Winter Picture Festival 2023 - Highlights

With just over 50 days left until the official start of spring, it might be a bit of a stretch to say that we're properly through the winter period just yet. Even so, with the shortest day now well behind us, it feels like a good time to look back at the winter like we're moving out of it. Perhaps that's wishful thinking, but I'm ever the optimist!

What better way is there to review a season passed than with a selection of lovely photographs? Well, it just so happens that we have a wonderfully talented bunch of Community members in the Express yourself forum who submitted some cracking winter scenes to our Winter Picture Festival 2023 thread. For your viewing pleasure, I present you with some of our favourites!

spider web with frost hanging in a tree  ice crystals adorning a branch with frozen leaves

Above: Two beautiful shots from  capturing a frozen spider's web, and a frost-gripped branch with ice-encrusted leaves.

a Labrador and Springer Spaniel sit patiently facing the camera against a wintery moorland scene  A young bulldog chews the corner of a dog-themed advent calendar

Above: Here we have a super cute pair of pooches braving a chilly walk with , and a beautiful bulldog chomping on their advent calendar courtesy of !

cat staring out innocently from on top of a decorated Christmas tree  a small robin stands on the earth next to the base of a shrub

Above: Keeping with the animal theme, get a load of this cheeky cat adorning the top of 's tree! Also behold the delicate beauty of a lovely red robin, thanks to  

a light dusting of snow and ice has settled on a brown fern in front of a body of water  looking up at an ice and snow covered tree against a stark blue sky  a crystal coated hogweed against a snowy hill and bright blue sky

Above: Back to the nature theme, here we have a frost-covered fern from , and from  we see a striking image of an imposing snow-covered tree against a stark blue sky, and a snow-adorned hogweed with a large snowy hill and soft blue sky behind.

a snow covered village behind a traditional wooden fence with a church tower in the distance  a very rare high-altitude nacreous cloud, which reflects a distant sunset with multicoloured patterns

Above: Two absolute beauties here from  - the first is a snowy village scene that looks just like a picture postcard, and the second is a very rare occurrence of a high-altitude 'nacreous cloud', which is reflecting the setting sun with an iridescent multicoloured glow!

And to close, one from yours truly - a 100% organic fake Christmas tree with fairy lights shining away!

We hope you enjoyed the wonderful pictures, and I'm sure you'll join me in thanking our participants for their wonderful contributions!

Keep an eye out for our next photo thread launching sometime in February - "Spring Spotting 2024"! It will be a great place to post any signs of spring you happen to capture. I really can't wait to see what you all find.

In the meantime, why not get involved with the Express yourself forum? It's not all about photography there, as we have talented artists, writers, and poets all posting their amazing creations. We hope to see you there!
