"Be kind to yourself and take a break." - Wellbeing Wednesdays: March

1 minute read time.

April's here, so without further ado here’s a summary of March’s 'Wellbeing Wednesday tips' on improving your wellbeing and staying positive...

Getting in touch with your creative side can help your wellbeing. Whether it’s painting, making music or writing poetry – get those creative juices flowing and Express yourself!

Picture yourself somewhere serene. Close your eyes, steady your breathing and think of a calming place. Take 5 minutes today and let your imagination take you to your serene place.

Be kind to yourself and take a break. Try turning off your phone an hour before bed to help you wind down and get a better night’s sleep.

Listening to your favourite songs can lift your mood. Try having a 30 second dance party sitting or standing, on your own or with someone – dance like nobody’s watching!

Be kind to yourself and take a break. Put on some relaxing music, dim the lights, close your eyes and relax your breathing – have some ‘me’ time, you deserve it!

If there’s anything in particular you’d like the Community to focus or provide guidance on when it comes to our ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ tips, let us know in the comments section below.
