Thank you for taking part in the Online Community Festive Quiz - the results are in!

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Thank you for taking part in the Online Community Festive Quiz - the results are in!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Online Community Festive Quiz. 

The results and answers are now in...

We're delighted to announce that the Online Community won! Every correct answer received the highest number of votes, with an average of 68% of correct answers across all ten questions. How did you do? You can see detailed results and quiz answers below.

A massive well done to you all, shall we make it even harder next time?

If you requested a pin badge for taking part, please look out for an email from us shortly.

Question 1

An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is White

84% of Online Community members answered this question correctly. Some may have been misled by the accompanying image, which shows some red and purple berries! Sorry about that, but I am glad that most of you were not fooled.

Question 2

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Capricorn

68% of members answered correctly. Lots of members thought the answer might be Sagittarius, but the latest birth date for this star sign would be 21st December.

Question 3

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Bluebird

71% of members got the correct answer. The second verse of 'Winter Wonderland' starts "Gone away is the bluebird, here to stay is a new bird". No robins, blackbirds or even wild turkeys were mentioned.

Question 4

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Finland

65% of you scored the perfect answer on this tricky question.

Question 5

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is EITHER the 21st OR 22nd December - due to varying media reports!

An amazing 91% of you got this one right, despite it being a bit of a trick question. Well done all.

Question 6

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Germany

Lots of you knew this one, with a total of 88% of members clicking on the right answer. Well done!

Question 7

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is 651kg

Well done, it was a close one but 52% of you guessed the right answer! Did anyone Google it? An extra point to you if you didn't...

Question 8

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Tenth

66% of members knew the answer to this one. 'Decem' means 'ten' in Latin, so that might have been a clue for some.

Question 9

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Trivial Pursuit

An amazing 54% of members got this one right. Well played!

Question 10

 An image showing the final voting score for this question

The correct answer is Beethoven

With only 42% of members choosing Beethoven, this was the closest one yet! Luckily the correct answer still received the majority of votes.  Well done everyone!

So, how well did you do? Feel free to comment with your personal scores below if you feel comfortable sharing.

Requested a pin badge for taking part? Please look out for an email from the Community team over the next few days. 

Would you like to see more content like this on the Community? If you enjoyed this quiz and would like us to do more like this, let us know in the comments section below.


  • i have had cancer twrice now it is about 4years since i had my op but i am still having problems since i had my ops i have now been incontinenet for years just weeing alot i have ended up having to wear nappys now to stop wetting my self at night and during the day i wear them now as my under wear i need them 24/7 day and night now duss any one esle who had acancer op have the same sort of thing like i do now i am now 60 yrs in sep 24 and looks like i will be wearing nappys for the rest of my days now i just hope not many of you are like this if you are do not be embrassed i have got used to it now wearing them and you will as well if you do need to wear them now ok like to here from any one who is like me now love to hear from you ok.

  • Oops missed this one. Love quizzes too. Husband and I walked the Coast 2 Coast one year camping at the Lion at Blakey. There was a quiz going on and having palled up with another two walkers on the way we decided to have a go amongst the pub full of regulars. We won!

    Solstice last year was 22nd. Was there an option to vote for both days?

  • Thanks for the pin badge! I shall wear it with gratitude that currently I'm NED 

  • Hi  

    I’m Steph, I’m part of the Community team here at Macmillan. I am sorry for the delay in responding, I'm afraid we weren't notified of your comment.

    May I wish you another warm welcome to the Community. Although I’m sure it’s a membership you did not want to have to join, I hope you will find the site to be a safe place of comfort and support.

    I am sorry that you have had cancer twice and that you’re still having some trouble with incontinence. It’s positive that you’re looking to speak to people in similar circumstances and I hope we can help support you.

    Whenever you feel comfortable, I’d encourage you to join one of the forums and post your message so that members can offer you some support.

    You can find all our cancer type forums here or introduce yourself in the New to the Community forum and someone will be along to help.

    If you’re not sure how to start your own conversation, you just need to click on +new (or + on a mobile) on the forum you’d like to post in. There’s some help available here if you get stuck, or message us back and we’ll support you further. The Community team are all here to help when you need it.

    We also have a Macmillan Support Line if you want to talk things through with someone who is there to listen.  Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    We have some information about bladder and bowel changes after treatment here, in case it helps you or anyone else reading this.

    Please do let us know if you have any questions or need further support with anything at all. 

  • Hi  

    I'm so so sorry, we missed your comment too! We are checking what has happened to the notifications.

    Love your story about winning the quiz, I bet the locals weren't happy...We hope to offer another quiz soon, as this one has been so popular.

    We accepted the 21st and the 22nd as the answer to the solstice question, as at the time of writing, both dates were being reported as the shortest day.