"There is nothing better than a cuddle with our cat to cheer Brian up..."

5 minute read time.

"Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions. They pass no criticisms." - George Elliot

Over the past several years the benefits of pets to mental wellbeing has grown clearer and clearer. The companionship pets offer is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress, and dogs especially encourage owners to exercise, and possibly socialise with other dog walkers.

Over the past several weeks I’ve been talking to Community members and our own staff about the impact pets have on their lives – here’s what they had to say…

Cruton and her ‘quirky dog’, Shady:

“There are days, which thankfully are few and far between, that I have a down day. My mum used to say these days are allowed, but you must not set up camp and stay there.

“I am fortunate to have my daughters, very good friends and our quirky dog.

“Throughout having kidney cancer, followed by bladder cancer and recently basal cell skin cancer, all those special people have been there for me. However, I guess like many others when I have had dark days where my imagination and worried thoughts sneak in, I don't like to voice these thoughts to those closest as I don't want to worry them. Often people will say things to you that help comfort them, thinking it’s to help you: "you must be positive”, “it will be ok" etc. – well-meaning but it doesn't really help. Sometimes you just want to shout these out loud not wanting or needing a reply.

“The quirky dog on those down days listens, he doesn't judge, advise or tell anyone. He just seems to understand. He seems to sense what you need, whether it's a cuddle or just for him to sit by you while you pour out your troubles, or "take me for a walk and it will help blow the cobwebs away". 

“The quirky dog has been a comfort and support even if he doesn’t know it over the last few years. He’s offered a listening and confidential ear; he got me up and walking after surgery to build myself back up; gave a cuddle when I needed it; and licked away the odd tear. What’s not to love about a quirky dog?”

'He doesn't judge, advise or tell anyone. He just seems to understand.'

Shady, laid down looking at the camera. Shady has floppy ears and brown fur.

‘Concerning pets’ – soundbites from various Community discussions:

“My mum got a little dog when my dad died, and he changed her world completely. I have my cats and have just started helping at a local animal rescue centre which forces me out even on those bad days.”

“Our beautiful puppy has been great source of joy and comfort to us all as a family and is my new best friend.”

“When he has had a tough day, and is feeling so tired and unwell - there is nothing better than a cuddle with our cat to cheer Brian up.”

"There is nothing better than a cuddle with our cat to cheer Brian up."

“Our dog has been there for me through many nights of tears…when my husband gets home after long and inpatient stays, our dog is the gentlest ever. Normally our dog is bouncy and hyper, but he senses when his ‘hooman-bean’ is poorly.”

Heidi on her dogs, Doris and Rory:

“5 years ago, on March 6th, my mum and I got our 2 dogs.  We’d lost our previous one in December 2013 and although not actively looking we decided to get 2 dogs.  The excitement we went through planning for our 2 ‘furbies’ arrival was wonderful.  We travelled down to Portsmouth from Croydon to pick them up and were immediately enamoured with them.  Three weeks later my mum suddenly died. I won’t go into how devastating this was, but I have to say that without those two little furbies, I do not know where I would be today. They were my reason to get up in the morning.  I had to get them out walking, I had to go and get food for them.  I hardly ate but they needed looking after. I spent time driving them to the coast to give them interesting walks. They were my sole comfort in going through what was the worst period of my life. They made me laugh with their antics.  I considered giving them away as I was on my own I didn’t think I would have been able to cope with them, but my friends insisted that I keep them – this was the best decision I made. Over the last few years, these 2 little creatures have helped me start a new life and kept me sane when all I wanted to do was to hide away from the world.  I cannot express how priceless this relationship with animals is and I would (and have) encourage anyone to take on a pet (if they are in a position to do so), if they are going through any difficult times as the process of caring for them, gives you some stability to your life and most importantly – joy.”

'They were my sole comfort in going through what was the worst period of my life.'

Three black Scottish terriers, sat on decking in the garden.

Ellen – Macmillan:

“Dogs are a total godsend – I think we’re so lucky to have them! They’re always so happy to see you, even if you’ve just left the room for a minute. They’re inquisitive, adventurous and nothing ever goes wrong in the dog world (unless dinner is late). I’ve always wanted a dog, so when we got our two I was over the moon. They’re my reason to get up in the morning – even if I’m having a bad day, I get up and take them out for a walk and it always makes me feel better (usually because they do something silly, or chase after things they haven’t got a chance in hell of catching). They brighten up my day, every day. They give me purpose.”

'They brighten up my day, every day.'

Two pictures of Ellen's dogs, one of them with white fur and one of them with dark grey fur.

Got a pet that you feel is a great asset to your mental health? Go ahead and share your story in the comments section below. You might also like to join our Animals are family, too group – here members talk about the comfort pets bring to their lives, and discuss practical issues too.

  • FormerMember

    So true about dogs...there's just my 18year old son and me on this cancer journey....and my dogs quite literally have been life saving...like the last person said  they seem to know when you're needGrinningg a cuddle. Are patient with me walking them slower..in short just amazing Grinning