New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

As we find ourselves somehow in 2022, people affected by cancer have been through an awful lot in the last few years. The coronavirus pandemic continues to change peoples’ plans and of course has impacted the health and freedom of many.
After such difficult times throughout the last few years, finding fresh energy for the new year and hope for the future is arguably harder than ever.

"I am trying to put it all into perspective but it’s hard."
- Community member, Neuroendocrine cancer forum

"I’m not sure if things ever return to the normal we knew before we were diagnosed but I guess we learn to live with the new normal and hopefully as distance opens up between past treatment and scans we get a new perspective and it isn’t as all consuming as it once was. Fingers crossed that’s the case."
- Community member, Bowel cancer forum

In today’s Community News Blog we are exploring the idea of new beginnings, we’re highlighting how our members and wider people affected by cancer may be feeling about the new year.

Feeling Optimistic

For many people affected by cancer, and their loved ones, the world looks different to what was expected just a few short years ago. New year’s resolutions and best wishes can act as a part of renewed enthusiasm for some. 

"Yes it is hard for all of us but I go forward with some optimism."
- Community member, Living with incurable cancer forum

"I strive for as much optimism as I can muster"
- Community member, Cancer blogs

"You are strong and you will get through this, just keep hanging on to the small positives."
- Community member, Breast cancer forum

Have you found a new way to optimism? Why not share it in the comments, it might just help someone else find their way too. 

Finding a New Outlook 
A new beginning doesn’t necessarily mean a life that looks drastically different from the outside. It can be a new feeling about the future, or a fresh outlook on a familiar challenge.  

"I'm seeing a psychologist in two weeks time to get new perspective and fresh feedback from somebody who doesn't know me."
- Community member, Breast cancer forum

Our members often talk of the benefits of reading the experiences of others who have faced something similar. We are thankful to all that choose to share their cancer journey here, knowing it may help someone else.  
"Im keeping my profile story up to date so that future friends on here can gain a perspective of what a cancer journey can look like, and the timeline involved etc."
- Community member, Bowel cancer forum

Have you found something that helps you to look at things differently? Why not share it here. It might help someone else facing similar challenges on a cancer journey. 
"Being open and honest with certain friends helps me keep it all in perspective to an extent."
- Community member, Carers only forum

"Today I had my 4th treatment of radiotherapy so very early days but the support on such sites like this and family & friends has given me a new perspective on life. Because you know at the end of the day those big things we would all worry about, well in the scheme of life they are not really so big after all."
- Community member, Head and neck cancer forum

Happy New Year from our Members

We hope that everyone is as safe and well as can be in these continued unusual times. To end today's Community News Blog, we wanted to share some well wishes from around the Online Community forums. 

"Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and good health for 2022.Thank you for all the support. Love and best wishes"
- Community member, Bladder cancer forum

"I wish you and everyone in this group we never asked to be part of a very Happy New Year. May we all have the strength to deal with the days and months ahead and also know there will be somebody here who will understand how you are feeling and will try and help whatever your situation." 
- Community member, Living with incurable cancer forum

"As 2022 approaches I have a degree of  trepidation  as I will hopefully hear what my future holds. But regardless 2022 is a new year and a clean canvas for all of our lives to write upon so have a Happy New Year everyone best we can."
- Community member, Cancer blogs

  • Today I’m going to be open and not internalise my fear  . It’s okay not to be okay . I’m getting ready to being chemo treatment and for the past month during  Christmas I wore a smile everyday for my children I still do. As a parent to young children (3) I couldn’t find the right words to describe what I have to go through. So I sat them down and said it . My 8 year old burst into tears uncontrollably maybe I left ot too late to explain to them . Can anyone advise I still haven’t processed my reality yet . My vulnerability has brought me here . 

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your comments and welcome to the Community.

    It certainly sounds like you and your family are going through a lot at the moment, I’m glad you found us for some support. I’ll suggest a few places where you may be able to find others who are facing something similar. We appreciate you choosing the Online Community as the place to share the fact you are feeling vulnerable.

    Firstly it’s always worth a quick look through our Help Pages, for useful hints and tips along with pictures, showing you how to use the site.

    You could introduce yourself in our New to the Community group and I’m sure our members would be welcoming and supportive. If you share a little more about your diagnosis, you will likely be able to find a group of others on a similar treatment path.

    For wider support off the Community, including a telephone line, there is always the Macmillan Support Line too.

    You have come to the right place online to find other people affected by cancer, who may know exactly how you’re feeling just now.

    If you have any questions at all you can reply directly here, or email us at anytime.

    Kindest Regards,

    Macmillan Community Team

  • I want to say how amazing you all are, each and every one of you.. I read about your journeys every day and I am in awe of you. I've been worrying some days that my tumour has grown, or that the cancer has spread, then u read your stories and give myself a good talking to!

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for taking the time to share such kind words.

    We had some site updates recently which may have disrupted the normal flow of notifications, apologies for the later reply. 

    Hopefully you will continue to find the Online Community is a source of positive inspiration. I'm sure many others can relate to what you've said here.

    Kindest Regards,

    Macmillan Community Team