Get to know the Expert: Caroline (Ask about leukaemia)

2 minute read time.

 Get to know the Expert: Caroline" written over a snowy forest path

One of my favourite aspects of the Community is the fact our members can put any questions they have about cancer to one of our various experts through the Ask an Expert section of our site. Whatever your situation, wherever your location - you can simply log onto the Community and access support from a professional.

Following on from our last ‘Get to know the Expert’ with our physio Hannah, this month we’ve Caroline from Ask about leukaemia

How long have you been an Expert on the Community, and what made you want to volunteer for Macmillan?

I have been an Expert on the Community since August 2017. My ‘day job’ is a Macmillan CNS for patients with leukaemia, MPN’S and various types of anaemia so when I saw the vacancy for volunteering advertised, I thought that it would be a great way to volunteer while using my knowledge.

"I have met some amazingly brave and selfless people in my career, and these are my true heroes"

What sort of questions do Community members often come to you with?

Oh, all sorts, that is what I love about it! It can be something simple such as ‘What do my results mean?’ to really complex questions about cytogenetics and prognosis, or really difficult questions about end of life. Sometimes it can take a while to come back to questions as I have to go and find out the answer.  I can get funny looks from various colleagues when I ask random questions though!

What’s been your Community highlight to date?

 I love it when people come back and let me know what happened after I answered their question.

Who’s your hero and why?

I don’t really have one particular hero. When you work with cancer patients and see their bravery and determination first hand every day, you are less tolerant of trivial issues. I have met some amazingly brave and selfless people in my career, and these are my true heroes; people you never forget who teach you so much about human spirit. 

"You really, really don't want to hear me sing..."

Finally, tell us a random fact about yourself, or, what would you sing at karaoke night?

You REALLY, REALLY don’t want to hear me sing, although I love to. It would have to be ‘It’s my life’ by Bonjovi if I was allowed to sing at karaoke night.

Got a question for Caroline? Visit our Ask about leukaemia page, ask your question, and Caroline will aim to respond within 2 working days.
