Life after cancer: Navigating unique challenges with people who understand

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Life after cancer: Navigating unique challenges with people who understand

On the 2nd of June, Cancer Survivors Day invited us to celebrate life and raise awareness and support for people living after cancer. Life after cancer can be challenging for many individuals. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to navigate these alone. Macmillan and the Online Community are here to help. We have a dedicated Life after Cancer forum, for members of the Community who have finished treatment. It is a space to discuss things like the physical and emotional aftereffects of cancer, returning to work, or trying to move on with your life. In this blog, we'll focus on our "Life after cancer forum" and provide links to resources and helpful contacts.

Feeling stuck

A member of the Community was struggling, feeling stuck after living with a cancer diagnosis. They reached out for support in the Life after cancer forum.

“I wonder how I can really start again.  Just still stuck. Unsure how to find motivation.” 
Community member, Life after cancer forum

Another member reached out with some support and mentioned what they had put in place to try and move forward.

“If you can find an activity that you can lose yourself in that really helps. I have also found finding something to look forward to really helps. For me that is planning a short holiday, planning an outing with my grandkids, re- landscaping part of the garden anything that gives me joy.”
Community member, Life after cancer forum

Survivors guilt

Survivor's guilt can affect many who have lived with cancer. It’s common to feel guilty for surviving when others did not. You might find yourself questioning why you made it through when others didn’t. Last year, a member posted in the Life after cancer forum about their experience dealing with survivors guilt.

“I know that there are so many people out there who have not been as lucky as me.  They are still struggling along their own path, and life will always be a challenge.  I feel guilty sharing my story with these people, as it feels like another reason for them to cry, ‘why me?’ at the universe.”
Community member, Life after cancer forum

Another member opened up in the forum, sharing how they were feeling guilty.

“I feel guilty writing this as I feel like I should be grateful, but the impact of my psychological health has been really hard and that is too taboo to discuss.”
Community member, Life after cancer forum

The worry of recurrence

“I am struggling every day with the ‘what if it comes back’. This is taking over my life and I don't know what to do.”
Community member, Life after cancer forum

If you are feeling worried, anxious or alone, the Online Community could be the perfect place for you to chat with others who understand what you are going through. Click here to join the Community.

Jane’s blog

Jane, one of our Community champions, wrote a blog last year where she reflects on her Endometrial cancer experiences one year later. She talks about some of the lasting effects of her chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments and also about dealing with the fear of recurrence.

Further Reading

  • Click here to find out about follow-up care, managing treatment effects and making healthy lifestyle changes.

We’d love to hear from you

If you are living life after cancer, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below and share how you have managed life after cancer.
