'Just knowing that they are ready to greet me when I come home from work brings me joy'- why pets help us and our wellbeing 2

4 minute read time.

'For the love of pets 2' written in white over an image of a person playing with a dog on a beach

This week we have even more wonderful pets to share with you! Our lovely Macmillan staff have been getting in touch with pictures and stories about their fabulous pets. Pets are such an important part of our families and are there for us through thick and thin. I hope you enjoy taking a look through some of these wonderful furry friends.

"He brings so much joy and laughter to our family..."

'Spook or Spooky has been in my family now for just gone 14 years, with his birthday being t’other week on Halloween, hence his name. Smiley He is someone that has been there for us all over the years and is very much part of the Family. He is the epitome of a Border Collie and has always enjoyed being outside and guarding his post in the back garden of my parent's house. He brings so much joy and laughter to our family and I feel very fortunate to have had him in my life for the past 14 years!' - Paul 
 Two images of a short-haired black & white collie type dog.

'I give the best cuddles...'

'Hullow, my name is Eddie, or King Edward, or Squidward (said in Sponge Bob’s voice). My human’s loves me very much because I am such a kind and gentle doggo. I do climb all over the coffee table, and take up all the room on the sofa (and the bed), but I give the best cuddles and am always super excited when Mum or Dad comes home.

P.s If you have seen the new John Lewis advert with Edgar the excitable dragon, I am him in doggo form Blush'– Siobhan

 Two images of a dark brown Staffordshire Bull Terrier type dog

'They have been such a comfort and stress relief after a busy day at work...'

'I got two kittens a couple of months ago and they are fantastic. They’ve been a little poorly bless them, but despite this have been so loving and uplifting with their cheeky antics! They have been such a comfort and stress relief after a busy day at work and when I have struggled myself they have given me the boost to get up and out to take care of them. In my role people often mention how much of a support their pets have been and I never underestimate this. If someone mentions them briefly in passing, I always make an effort to let them know I’ve heard and talk about them a little, it seems to be very appreciated.'– Jenna

 An image of two kittens - one black, one tortie

'... they’re forever a source of comfort and cuddles...'

'I think we’re really lucky to have dogs – these two mischief makers always make us smile and they’re forever a source of comfort and cuddles. No matter what kind of day you’ve had, the welcome you get from these two will no doubt cheer you up.' – Ellen 

 Images of two Schnauzer type dogs - one white, one black

'Part of the family'

'Whoopi – the world’s most gentle and friendly cat. Part of the family!' – John

 An image of a tabby cat

"Sometimes when I need to chill out for a few minutes I just watch the fish swim..."

'Whenever I walk into the same room as my dogs, they are always happy to see me. Just knowing that they are ready to greet me when I come home from work brings me joy. They are also very loving and reassuring and definitely love a snuggle by the fire.

We also have tropical fish, the colours and shapes of the different fish mesmerise me. Sometimes when I need to chill out for a few minutes I just watch the fish swim, personally I think it has helped with my anxiety as it makes me feel calm. It washes my worries away.' - Megan

 four images of two different dogs

"...the greeting I get when I get in the house is like they haven’t seen me for weeks..."

'This is a picture of Iago and Bruno sat on the sofa, waiting for me to come home and basking in the sun (obviously taken in the one day of sunshine we had in the Summer).

I just look forward to going home after a tough day at work to these two looking out of the window waiting for me – they seem to know when I am due home.  Then the greeting I get when I get in the house is like they haven’t seen me for weeks -  I just Heart it.  It just makes my day. I can’t wait to get cuddled up on the sofa with them on a night.'- Jayne

 An image of two lovely dogs, waiting for their owner

Thanks to everyone who shared their pet-love with us this week. Lover of pets? Why not share with us in the comments section below.
