A big thank you to our Community Champions - volunteering on the Online Community

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A big thank you to our Community Champions - volunteering on the Online Community

Following on from Macmillan’s ‘Thanks to You’ day at the end of May and National Volunteers week 1st- 7th June 2023, we’re taking a moment to appreciate our amazing Online Community Champions.

Through this Community News Blog, you can learn more about our Community Champions, volunteering for Macmillan and join us in saying a big thank you to them all.

Who are the Community Champions?

The Community Champions are a dedicated team of volunteers here on the Online Community. They are members who found the site to be really helpful and wanted to give something back. Our Champions offer support and a listening ear. They help new members find their way around the site. Community champions also help the Community team to keep the site safe for everyone.  

Currently, on the Community we have 28 Community Champions who volunteer in different forums across the Community:


A big heartfelt thank you to you all.

Whether it be welcoming new members, or reaching out to offer comfort to members across the forums, you're all simply amazing.

The Online Community simply couldn't be here for so many people, if it wasn't for your passion for helping others.

About the Community Champion role

Often people want to give back to those who have supported them during their journey or help make a different to those with similar experiences. Lots of members of our Community offer support to others and we really appreciate the comfort and kindness you share. The Community Champion role offers the opportunity to commit to offering that support on a regular basis.  

Our Champions are a listening ear for those who need it most, helping people affected by cancer feel supported and less alone.  The role is flexible and there's no expectation for Community Champions to log in every single day, although many of them do.    

So far this year, our Community champions have posted over 10,700 times which helps show the amount of kindness and support they offer every day.

Award winning volunteers

At Macmillan, we recognise and show our gratitude to our fantastic volunteers through thanking days and award ceremonies. 

Our Community Champions won the Vicky Clement-Jones Volunteering award in 2020. Sadly, due to the pandemic, we weren't able to hold an awards ceremony that year. However the Community Champions received a big round of applause at the volunteering awards ceremony held in Birmingham recently. We celebrated their achievements, alongside thanking volunteers from across Macmillan. 

Read more about all our amazing Volunteer Award winners here on the Macmillan website.

How can you register your interest in becoming a Community Champion?

The Community helps people affected by cancer – whether patient, family member, friend or carer, by bringing them together to share experiences, talk to others in a similar situation, or ask our friendly experts any questions they might have about cancer.  Our Champions are a listening ear for those who need it most, helping people affected by cancer feel supported and less alone. 

In return, Community Champions receive ongoing support from the Community team. As a Community Champion, you have the opportunity to improve communication skills and digital skills through supporting others online, alongside accessing training resources from Macmillan. 

If you have a passion for helping others and are comfortable using the Online Community platform, please do get in touch by email at community@macmillan.org.uk

Please join us in thanking our Community Champions

If you've been welcomed to the site, or supported by a Community Champion whilst using the forums, you might feel you want to join us in saying a big THANK YOU.

Please post in the comment box below or email community@macmillan.org.uk.
