A quick and peaceful end

2 minute read time.
I wanted to share what my Mum's last days were like. She was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in May - too advanced for treatment and with liver mets. Apart from appetite an energy problems, she was OK until Sept then she started to become jaundiced and more tired. I had read a lot about pain management towards end of life and I was afraid - for her and for me as she was a home, and we wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. Two weeks before she died her tiredness became much worse, but she was still mobile around the house. I could see her worsening and asked Macmillan nurse for advice. There was still no pain but Mum mentioned slight abdominal discomfort so she was put on a very small dose of Oramorph. Over the next few days she deteriorated rapidly. On the Saturday morning she fell, was not hurt but needed to be helped up, by that evening small things like numbered lists she found confusing ( so unlike her) and a bedtime she said to me , "I am getting worse". I was so sad for her my heart was breaking. By Sunday, although she continued to be as mobile as she could be around the house, she was a bit more confused and distracted and sometimes was so weak she needed help to stand up and we had to move her in a computer chair with wheels. On Monday it was arranged for her to go into the local palliative care unit on the Tuesday . On Tuesday morning she was very weak, but quite lucid and like herself ( I had a lovely conversation with her) and, while waiting for the ambulance,she fell into a deep sleep. She died in the hospital later that evening. No pain, and peacefully with her family around her. I wanted to share this to say that the terrible pain one read about does not happen to everyone. Maybe if I had hoped that there would not be pain rather than fear the worst that would have helped me. Also the speed at which Mum deteriorated took everyone by surprise - even the doctors/ nurses who were in attendance a lot during the last days.. She had said no to a commode or wheelchair the week before - they may have helped in the last few days, but she was so weak they may not have made any difference. What she needed , suddenly, in her last 36 hours was 2 people to lift her as she was so weak. I was very lucky my husband was at home to help. Don't assume to have time to get things organised once extreme fatigue sets in - but also you can hope that the ending will not be one of terrible pain. I hope this helps someone. My Mum died on 30th October - I still can't believe it has happened.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Talullah,


    thanks for sharing with us, I'm sure that it will help others. you are a wonderful daughter and you and Mum were so lucky to have each other. Look after yourself. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Talullah I am so sorry for your loss and I totally understand understand how you are feeling. It is scary how events overtake you and how the minutes seem to vanish without any control. I am so pleased that your mum was relatively independent right until the end and that you were able to share those important moments with her. Try to take comfort from the limited pain and distress that she suffered . We lost mum in law this morning due to liver cancer and we had a similar experience to you although she was in a hospice for her last two weeks so I feel your pain. Take care big hugs.

  • FormerMember
    Dear Magpie 1 my thoughts are with you too.
  • How good that you were there for her and that her end was peaceful... we all wish for the same. Sorry for your loss.


  • FormerMember
    Thank you for your post, I am facing this with my mum who haslungcancer. She has been well apartfromsome pain until 2 weeks ago, has had pneumonia and was in hospital for a week came home but has gone back in again as her calcium is very high. She seems to have deteriorated quickly and I am told they could get her over this but that I should prepare for the worst before much longer! I am also very afraid for her being in a lot of pain but your story gives me hope that it may not happen like that, at the moment she is so confused and muddled I don't think she knows what's happening and I wonder if that's the best way for her to be, at least she won't be scared! But I selfishly want her back with us as long as possible! I'm sorry for your loss xx