Day 1 is approaching!

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Good Morning Everyone. On Tuesday 22nd March I start my Cold Cap treatment during my first chemo session. I have 2 reasons for trialling this, firstly I have 2 very special occasions to attend and secondly in the name of support for future people considering this option. I have short but reasonably thick hair and have read up as much as I can on how to start and care for my hair during this time. I realise it may not be successful but will keep my blog going for as long as it lasts!

  • Hello :) I have just finished chemo and did the cold cap throughout, other than some slight thinning I have been very lucky and have barely lost any hair. I also had quite thick hair so could afford to lose some through thinning. If you want any tips or any advice on what I did that I think helped then just let me know :) 

  • Hello Georgina. Thank you so much for making contact with me. Up until the moment I walked through the door I was unsure about whether or not to try the cap. For reasons too personal to put online I chose not to but want to thank you so much for offering advice. From what I have read and heard I think you will be lucky and keep your hair and I wish you all the luck in the world. Thank you again Georgina!