Somewhat gutted

1 minute read time.

I had my latest interview with my Oncologist on Thursday. BP is perfect now I have been put on Amlodipine. Blood is good. I was not told my PSA levels, but that is just a number to me. It looks as if I could well have my Rt in Birmingham as opposed to Derby. Derby treatment is somewhat oversubscribed, and is also run by a locum. My research Sister will be meeting said locum on Monday & will get back to me by Tuesday with a decision as to my treatment. This could be a very costly exercise, £60-70 per week or more on train fairs, my son has offered to take me, he is off work for the unforeseeable future due to medical problems, but there is no guarantee of of that due to his own hospital appointments.I do not fancy the thought of driving best part of some 90 odd miles a day during treatment 7 weeks 5 day a week. Derby is 'just down the road', free bus fares (bus pass) I can be there and back within 2hrs, or less if I drive.

On another note, I'm still feeling fine, relatively happy with my lot, still walking & keeping busy.

  • FormerMember

    Is there no free hospital treatment available in your area?  It might be worth asking, especially if you are having to make a longer journey through lack of appointments at the nearer hospital.  Take care x

  • FormerMember

    Guess not Margaret. My nearest treatment centre is in Derby followed by Birmingham, I expect Nottingham could be a possibility, but doubtful. The only 'free' is car parking at Birmingham for Rt patients. Burton & Derby... getchyer wallet out and smile. I will be contacted by my research sister on Tuesday, I can ask more questions then, should the need arise.

    Taking care.

    Wishing you all the best.
