Sill moving,still breathing.

1 minute read time.

It is a little while since I have blogged anything here. Life is as good as it will ever be. Since my last blog, things have been on the up. I am now fully active as a walk leader. My interest in photography has grown since buying a new camera, I get out more, the exercise is good, although I do stiffen up somewhat. The Facebook photo group that I have joined has regular monthly meetings, more of a social activity really. I have things to look forward to, my 43rd wedding anniversary followed by a 14 night cruise in the western Med'. Holidays as such have been ruled out this year so this is something to celebrate. My wife has just had a replacement knee and is recovering at a pace the surgeon has never seen before. 8 weeks down the line she walks with no problems, no limping, although she does carry a folding walking stick, just in case. My Father-in-Law at 92 is doing very nicely thank you, we exchange visits twice a week, and if needed I will run him around to where he needs to be when required. As far as I am concerned, life is normal, we are all in good health (until told otherwise) My plans for rejoining the archer club is in doubt, they have had a break in, all equipment has been stolen, and what was left has been trashed. My swimming will be on the books again after my cruise.

Take life as it comes, I know, easier said than done, but a good mental attitude can help. There are those who would gladly exchange places with us. I wish you all well for the future.

