Done and Dusted continued

2 minute read time.

My last entry was for 2nd July. I will continue but without the days/dates etc.

In short, most days are pretty much the same, shopping etc. There were a few highlights, such as my Eldest son's 42nd birthday, his treat. I went Buzzard hunting with my new camera, and got a few good shots in. Just me, the camera and nature, unbeatable. Looking through my daily 'Stampede' diary I have found that I am still operating normally, no side effects as such, blood pressure is good and liver is in good condition. I am aware that many men do have liver problems when taking Abiraterone, I consider myself to be fortunate on that score My PSA level is down to 0.4 which I think is quite manageable.. My Oncologist is happy with my recent results. I am still continuing my walking role as walk leader on Wednesdays, and on Thursdays I do an hour's walk in 20-30 minutes, same distance but faster. I also am meeting fellow photographers on various field trips, which involves even more walking. We had a social gathering recently at a local pub as a 'get to know you' session. It is now a regular monthly meeting. The social side of life is very important, and often you learn just how lucky you are, well, in my case it was certainly very true.

I had a meeting with my Urologist who decided to leave things as they are after a lengthy discussion. Unless some new technique comes to light, I will be better off as I am, using compact catheters. My wife Carol had an appointment at the same hospital one hour after mine. She had a second pre-op' for a knee replacement. 22nd July Carol was in, this is where my life changed, and a few surprises were in store for me. The op' took over 2 hours, I visited her in the evening expecting her to be 'not quite with it'. She was like a bright shiny new pin, and just as sharp. Wednesday her surgeon called to see her and asked hr how she was coping. She gave a demonstration of how she could bend her new knee and how high she could lift her leg. Her surgeon was gobsmacked. He was so impressed by her, he got her various tablets and dressings ready for a morning departure on Thursday, if the physio dept agreed. The physio team were equally impressed. So, Thursday morning 11;00 I collected her. 45 hours from admission to discharge. She was now ready to achieve her goal, the family wedding on the Friday 12:00 which was a great success. We stayed for 6 hours before returning home. She in now impressing her physio team near to home, they have not seen the like before. 

Life is still a blast, we have booked a 14 night,  West Mediterranean cruise to celebrate a belated 43rd wedding anniversary, Carols new knee and the fact I could do with a holiday anyway.

I will close now, having all up to date. I wish you well.

